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We could not launch with yahoo because the web side is to big as it containes lots of plant pictures.
Can you advise as what we have to do so that the search engines react to it?

2007-02-17 21:14:18 · 4 answers · asked by hajos_cactus 1 in Computers & Internet Internet

4 answers

First of all, you just need to wait a few days. Google and Yahoo take some time to find and index your site. Trust me, they'll find it in time. But there are some things you can do to help the process along.

As opposed to the other answers, I don't think you need to submit the site to search engines. According to all the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialists I know (and I know quite a few), submitting to search engines is more or less a fruitless endeavor. Instead, you need to focus on these three things:

1) META tags. You only have the "keywords" META tag on your site. You need to add a "description" tag as well as a "robots" tag. Do a search online and you should find more info.

2) Make sure you have as many positive links as possible. That means making the text of whatever keywords you want (e.g. "cactus" or "hajos cactus") to link to your site. The more of these that exist, the more likely Google will find you.

3) Have as much text on the home page with good keywords as possible. I would definitely add a few more paragraphs of description that are keyword rich to your homepage.

Those steps should help you get higher rankings on Google and Yahoo! Congrats on your new site.

2007-02-17 21:29:29 · answer #1 · answered by iwriteplays 2 · 0 0

LOL!! Search engines are not out looking just for your site among the BILLIONS of entries on the net. You need to be proactive about submitting it to the search engines.

2007-02-17 21:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you have to submit to the search engines try to use freeware or trial versions of webposition gold or web submitter download them at www.download.com

2007-02-17 21:16:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it will take time for that. . .just keep updating the site regularly . . .it will attract the "machines" . . . .

btw, it is a nice site. . .all the best. . .

2007-02-17 21:19:07 · answer #4 · answered by TheAnand.com 3 · 0 0

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