Many people say she's like Britney, but i don't, cause:
1. She's an unbelievably, incredible singer at such a young age
2. She doesn't show off too much skin, unlike Britney who's nearly naked most of the time
3. She's a good girl, despite all that she's been through, and what she's going through now, especialy at school ( nasty, evil bullies! ) Leave Jo alone, she deserves it, because she has pure talent.
4. She stays strong, and stays true to herself.
5. She doesn't party into the night
Love yah Jo! I will always be a true and loyal fan to u no matter what! Stay strong, you are an amazing "Excepcional" girl, DON"T end up with Paris Hilton!
Love you Jo!
19 answers
asked by
Entertainment & Music
➔ Celebrities
Maybe I am to old for all this, but frankly they all look the same to me
2007-02-17 20:41:53
answer #1
answered by rose_merrick 7
I don't think that Jojo is like Britney, for one thing Jojo can sing and Britney can't. Jojo just seems to be down to earth and a level headed girl. I only hope that she stays this way and doesn't get caught up in all the hype
2007-02-17 20:55:48
answer #2
answered by Baps . 7
I remember when Jo was on star search YEARS ago as a little kid, she could belt out those notes with no effort! Very talented at such a young age.......Brittney on the other hand, sorry all you hard core Brittney fans, was nothing more than a $ marketing tool! She had the "typical" blonde cheerleader look that young guys and old perverts seem to get mesmerized with, and the marketing rep's used her to its fullest to make moolah.....and it worked...She CAN NOT SING.....that nasal whiny sound she does would have had Simon Cowell telling her NO, your not going to Hollywood.....Seriously, put her up against Kelly Clarkson on a head to head singing tryout......Kelly would have stomped her with no effort needed! Hope Brittney invested wisely and stashed some cash, cause she is a "has been".....Kfed, is looking more responsible than her these days!!! And her bald look? ugh, what the hell is she on????
2007-02-17 22:22:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Personally, I think JoJo sucks, and is another products of producers and special studio fx. Her music sucks, lyrics are lame, got no beat and well, is identical to Spears. The only difference is, I would give her respect any day of the week compared to Britney, atleast she didn't marry no trailer trash, unemployed, no talent, McDonald destined looser. She doesn't go shaving her head and partying every week till the early morning. She probably might in the future once she gets to the legal drinking age in the US, might not, but we'll have to see.
2007-02-17 21:04:46
answer #4
answered by PsyChoPath 3
I think it really depends on the age that you are comparing them at. Brit didn't start off so bad.. its just now her image is completely destroyed (shaving her head.. very strange). JoJo is a lot younger than Brit so I would say as of right now JoJo is definetly the better role model. But who knows what the future brings.. Brit is like 24 and JoJo 17? So as long as JoJo stays on the right track... she definetly can sing better than Brit.. she will always win in comparison.
2007-02-17 20:45:46
answer #5
answered by MandyH 2
I think Jojo is better than Britney, Britneys a bit of a slag and Jojos song are great.
2007-02-17 21:06:36
answer #6
answered by Teenage Drama Queen 3
JoJo definately she has sheer ace talent is not a junkie like britney so JoJo all the way.
2007-02-21 10:28:40
answer #7
answered by the Jamster 2
i remember when it was 2002-2003 year. britney spears was pop quenn and everyone like her. but now she is disgusting and i just hate her. i think jojo and britney are not the same at all. jojo is better at everything than britney !!!
2007-02-17 22:19:36
answer #8
answered by Okano-Irl 5
Jojo has the better voice
2007-02-18 00:20:45
answer #9
answered by Chazzychaz 2
JoJo's can sing,and she has hair!!
her track Do Whatcha Gotta Do is ace
2007-02-18 07:38:18
answer #10
answered by HUMPTY 3
No. JoJo seems to be a lady, while Brit..well..just look at her
2007-02-18 04:06:47
answer #11
answered by Anonymous