So it is up to the woman's choice to abort the baby, for me that is not a choice (unless if the woman's life is in danger or other cases) but if she had sex and got pregnant, abortion is murder... How about the baby's right to choose? Have you ever think about that. How if you are the one who got aborted, but see you were born until you are big now??? How do you feel if you were the one who should be aborted??? So... who is doing illegal? If you were aborted and you could say your thought would you say "well, it's up to my mother to abort me and thank God she did it"???
I think you who are pro-choice don't want to be called pro-abortion, right? and if I read most of pro-choicers, they are the ones who are hateful to the pro-lifers, because they think they are the right one.
Supreme Court is not God, they were human and they can make mistake too...
This answer especially for: information_police, up420oz
2007-02-17 16:59:20
answer #1
answered by sam71 2
Just because one does not believe in abortion, it does not give that person the right to stop other people from making this personal PRIVATE decision. It is the woman's body and she is the one who has final say over her body, just as men have the final say over THEIR bodies. No other person has the right to tell another person what to do with his/her body. Pro-Choice is basically a woman's rights issue.
The father can be involved, but he is not the one who is pregnant. How does the mother know that the father will always be there? If the father is not going to be there, the mother will be forced to raise the child on her own, which is a diffuclt task, and some people are unable to handle it.
In regards to your last question, abortion is only legal up to the first 20 weeks. After that, the vital organs develop, so that is when the government decided to classify the beginning of life. Usually murders of pregnant women occur when the woman is way beyond 20 weeks, so the baby would have had a chance of living.
2007-02-17 16:49:58
answer #2
answered by Queen of Hearts 2
Well, it's pretty simple. She has to go through 9 months of pure hell carrying the child, up to 48 hours (and sometimes even more) of labor, and then must raise the kid for no less than 18 years. The father doesn't have to do a damned thing, including pay child support. (Just because it's court ordered does NOT mean they'll pay it.) Quite frankly, I do NOT think that an unborn child is EVER a life. If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's no worse than killing any other woman. I do not feel that the murderer should be convicted of killing two, and quite frankly most Pro-Choicers feel the same way I do.
Contrary to common statements, pregnancy is a horrible thing. There's nothing joyful, happy, or good about it.
Also, think about this: Would the kid be better off born to a mother who doesn't want it? No. Not at all. Most women will NOT give it up for adoption either...
I've seen it a few hundred times and continue to see it every single day.
Please note, Insurance companies rarely pay for birth control. Women can NOT get their tubes tied in the vast majority of the USA if they have not had at LEAST 2 children already.... No wonder there are unwanted pregnancies....
2007-02-17 16:47:05
answer #3
answered by cyanne2ak 7
I am a pro-choicer, but I am consistent and do not go for the 2nd murder charge in those cases. It should be used as a sentencing consideration, only. I do not believe that a fetus is a life until it is viable, meaning that it can exist independently as a person from the mother.
One (and most importantly for me), there is a right to bodily integrity. This common law right predates the formation of this country and dates quite far back in our legal history. It is why you can refuse medical treatment if you do not want it and make other decisions which deal with your own body. To refuse a woman the right to terminate a pregnancy, would be to interfere with the right that we all have in this country to make decisions that deal with your body. Of course, there are reasonable limits to this, and I agree that except for health reasons, a woman should not be able to terminate a pregnancy after viability (see O'Connor's Casey decision for more discussion on this issue).
There also is a very compelling equal protection argument. Pursue Martin Redish's works on the subject for a much more articulated and thoughtful discussion than I would be able to provide, but the mother does solely bear the burden of the child and largely the effects of having children. Also, I think they address this issue in the Casey decision as well.
There are also varying natural law arguments, etc., most of which I feel are crap (as is substantive due process which the Roe decision is unfortunately based off of). Bodily integrity is the soundest legal principle out there -- and I think most of us agree that we do have a right to refuse medical care if we want, get a tattoo, etc.
The father, while I would be interested in what the court had to say, is a tricky issue. But ultimately, if she can't force him to have a vasectomy, then he can't force her to bare a child (or on the flip side, to have an abortion).
2007-02-17 17:17:04
answer #4
answered by Jamir 4
I think that the men should have just as much right to choose as women, but I understand why the law is in place....I think the reason that it is the way that it is, is because the woman is the one that has to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all of the physical and emotional changes, as well as labor. The woman physically takes all of the risks(because there are sometimes complications in pregnancy and delivery), and the man is more the emotional support.
I pose this question to you....What about a woman that gets raped and ends up pregnant? What do you believe about that? I mean what if it is emotionally damaging to her to be forced to keep a pregnancy that would constantly make her relive the rape every day she sees her growing belly? I think for that reason alone, women should have the right to choose. I don't agree with someone sleeping around, getting pregnant and deciding to abort time and time again, but for the sake of the women who end up pregnant by my above mentioned questions, the law should be in place.
2007-02-17 16:37:30
answer #5
answered by mommasquarepants 4
I guess the government feels it has a right to contradict the Bible when it stated that if two men are fighting and a pregnant woman is injured in the scuffle and loses her baby then they can be killed as well. Abortion is barbaric and many women who think it is the only choice for themselves suffer endlessly, trying to rationalize what they did.
Men should get to know a woman and her views on abortion, motherhood etc.. long before having sex. Yeah, right. In a more perfect world, perhaps.
2007-02-17 16:44:13
answer #6
answered by Californiamama 5
I cannot answer this because I am not pro-choice. I am interested in seeing how they answer your question. I have seen a film showing an actual abortion on a 12 week fetus and I wonder how anyone can watch it and not shed a tear for this helpless, innocent creature who is literally being torn apart. Seeing this film and how the procedure is actually done is heartbreaking. The fetus is alive inside the mother's womb..she gets an abortion...that living fetus is now dead....How did it die? Certainly not on it's own...someone had to kill it....So what do they call that??
2007-02-17 17:12:23
answer #7
answered by 2179 4
Pro-choice has it's ups and downs. If you get a teen girl who is LOOSE and sleeps with a bunch of guys and goes off to have abortions all the time. Yes..that is wrong. I feel that it should only be the mothers choice of that option if she is a rape victim. But that is my opinion.
2007-02-17 16:38:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
for some strange reason woman have more rights to their children than fathers try getting custody of your kid after a divorce most dads end up with every other weekend when it should be 50-50 we need more rights for fathers
2007-02-17 16:43:26
answer #9
answered by malone1423 4
It is her body and she has the choice to control it they way she wants. The father isn't involved because it isn't his body.
The laws making it murder to kill an unborn fetus are a ploy to argue that abortion should be illegal - much like you are doing.
2007-02-17 16:40:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous