if you look closley Bush has 666 on his forehead!!!!!
2007-02-17 16:28:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1- religion is not believe by all
2- bush can't be the anti-christ because the AC is a great public speaker and will bring forth 7 years of peace
3-everyone will love and elect the AC
4- for the first 7 years the AC is awesome and neither side of the political spectrum will dislike him.
5- some have said the AC is not one person but a part of all of us. the part that sins, the part that turns a blind eye to other's suffering, ect.
all I can think of for now
2007-02-17 17:36:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
How can you expect anyone seriously interested and versed in politics to answer such a question? The political view of the anti-christ? I would think the view would be to leave the discussion of that to the churches, it belongs nowhere in politics.
2007-02-17 19:22:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think that the Anti-Christ is something more complex and more sinister than one person at the fore-front of one nation. There will be many people who hold positions of power throughout the world who will come to represent the concept of the Anti-Christ, and that is simply what it is. A concept that either out rightly or covertly defies the teachings of the Christ and GOD, that is allowed and/or enforced by indifferent leaders of indifferent self-righteous people. The things that were made to be clear rules and clear violations of such rules in the bible and all of it's corresponding books (the Qu'ran the Torah and so on) will be viewed as debatable and outdated philosophies, and therefore will be allowed but only under the discretion of officials that are put in place to monitor and regulate such activities. Things like usury, which in America comes in many forms, like mortgage, and credit counseling and crediting agencies, banking firms, it is governed and regulated by agencies like the Better Business Bureau and the Internal Revenue Service. Lust and prostitution which is found and flaunted in pornographic material and the movies it is 'regulated' by a law that puts an age on how old you can be to get into these things, and then the states are given the power and authority to decide how they define solicitation and prostitution and whether or not they want different aspects and forms of it to be illegal. Murder, in the form of capital punishment, and laws that try to define a difference between killing in cold blood or in self-defense as the case may be. This is not limited to America, in fact much of Western civilization is like this. Which is why I believe that Gog and Magog, the nations at the four corners of the earth will be America, and all those countries that are willingly assimilated into Americanized pseudo-culture, like Britain, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, well geez, pretty much all of Europe, Chinas not far from taking it, and neither is India. The individual that will come to represent all things evil, will be intelligent, he or she will seem trustworthy and will be charismatic and very likable. These things will be necessary for him/her to win the hearts of the people all over the world, because in the end the world will attempt to come under one common government with one ruler, and when this has taken place and is at peak stability, that is when this evil incarnate will take his or her power. In the end he/she will come to reveal what they are for the world, and those who have accepted their place as one that is against GOD and the teachings of Jesus will shrug it off as if this was nothing major. When GOD claims the earth all of Gog and Magog will be thrown into the pits of Hell and eternal death, America will be the first to fall, as everything it stands for, everything it advocates and everything that makes it run, is everything GOD forbade mankind from doing at various points in history. Americans justify this because it helps them feel good, but a friend of the earth is an enemy of GOD, and such is the nature of American and Americanized pseudo-culture. We have encountered several forms of the notorious Anti-Christ, not the least of which have been figures like Stalin and Hitler but we have yet to encounter the beginning of the end if you will. We are in the first throes of what will eventually come to be the undoing of Mankind
2007-02-17 17:03:43
answer #4
answered by Rick R 5
The Book of Revelation was written as a political commentary on the corruption of the Roman Empire. People who misinterpret it as a prophecy are bound to be disappointed.
2007-02-17 16:30:30
answer #5
answered by I'll Take That One! 4
Depends on who you ask. It's not Bush that's for sure. Anti-Christs don't have 30 point approval ratings. My opinion the most likely (if I had to choose) is Barack Obama.
2007-02-17 16:34:27
answer #6
answered by Mr. Pibb 3
read the book of Daniel in the Old Testament
and the book of Revelations in the New Testament
that should give you an eye full.
2007-02-21 08:10:50
answer #7
answered by Mountain One 3
Check out this link, u might find them interesting, it has info on the antichrist:
2007-02-19 03:45:39
answer #8
answered by Eryn v 3
President of the underworld.
2007-02-17 16:35:39
answer #9
answered by hairlessafro 2
There has to be a Christ to be and Anti-Christ. I wouldn't trust that theory with my life. Ha
2007-02-17 16:31:07
answer #10
answered by ? 3
your hate is like candy to Damion.
2007-02-17 16:31:32
answer #11
answered by ★Greed★ 7