You have a chance to improve your credit rating and therefore brighten up your financial future by being patient, a conscious effort, and a personal debt repayment to improve your credit report. The most practical and effective way to truly improve credit is through a number of practical steps designed to help you not only improve your credit rating but also to maintain a decent credit rating once it has improved. No matter how bad your credit is, taking following steps will make it better.
STEP 1: Dispute Inaccurate Information or Frauds in Your Credit Report
STEP 2: Pay all of your bills on time
STEP 3: Reduce the number of credit cards you carry
STEP 4: Avoid bankruptcies, tax liens and collections
STEP 5: Request for Lower Credit Limits
STEP 6: Get a Small Loan or Credit Card with Co-Signer
STEP 7: Get a Secured Credit Card
STEP 8: Periodically Get a Copy of Your Credit Report
Find complete explanation for each step at:
2007-02-21 10:54:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1) Do a web search for bad credit, credit cards and apply. You may even have to take a secured card. The are pricey in fees, interest rates, etc. but you need to establish a credit history.
2) Go to the Diamond center and buy a piece of jewelry on credit, again just to establish a history.
3) Pay everything ON TIME ALWAYS
4) Once you are able to get a couple of accounts stop applying for credit for a long time. Use them often but pay the off at the end of the month. Each credit inquiry lowers your score
5) Get a car loan if you need a car. Make sure you can afford it. Your interest rate wil be high but once again, its about establishing a history
6) Don't accumulate debt. Make sure you use only what you can afford
7) Even if you don't want your cards anymore don't close your accounts it affects your credit score negatively. Just leave them open and don't use them
8) Don't max out your cards because it lowers your credit score. Keep balances under 40% of your limit
9) Pay on time, for a long time, and be patient. It's the only way to fix it.
2007-02-17 15:36:34
answer #2
answered by novice 1
While you're working on developing healthy financial habits, including paying your bills on time and settling any outstanding debts, you may want to look into credit counseling. There are a number of credit repair counseling services that offer free consultations. Check with your local congressman or senator's office for recommendations of nonprofit credit repair services.
Another thing you can do is to get copies of your credit reports and go over them carefully. If you find any errors at all, it is well within your rights to dispute the false entries.
2007-02-17 14:50:14
answer #3
answered by jtlyr 3
it is common! I say you're on course! it is what monetary instructor Dave Ramsey has to assert, who, through the way, has a credit status of 0 because borrowing money basically to construct up your debt score is stupid! besides... :-) the first step: keep up $a million,000 on your emergency fund... EMERGENCY... do not contact this money till you need to. Step 2: pay off all of your debt! Use the debt snowball... pay off the smallest one first then placed that volume in route of the subsequent one. It feels like you do not have too a lot debt it is tremendous information! Step 3 : placed away 3-6 months of costs on your emergency fund. Step 4: make investments 15% of your earnings for retirement there are more beneficial steps (7 entire) that i can percentage with you in case you want, yet for now basically understand that even besides the undeniable fact that your credit status is low, in case you keep up and pay money, you do not want a debt score... that places each and each and every of the potential on your fingers!
2016-12-04 07:49:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution.
I will hereby talk from my personal experience.
I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details,
if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times, I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first,
a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :
if it helps kindly remember me in your voting!.. cheers!
2007-02-18 23:27:20
answer #5
answered by gabriel jones 4
Pay your bills on time, keep your debt to income ration down, don't fill out a lot of credit applications that will create inquiries on your credit report.
If the bad information that is currently on your credit report is accurate, you cannot legally get rid of it. People and companies that take your money for guaranteed results are liars. If it is not accurate, you can dispute it on your own at no cost to you.
2007-02-17 14:37:11
answer #6
answered by Brian G 6
Education is the best way to repair your credit. If you would like to learn more about repairing you own credit the visit my about me section here on answers.
Good luck,
2007-02-19 02:36:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We started offering credit repair for $280. Email me if you have any questions.
2007-02-17 15:50:17
answer #8
answered by Phil H 2
Pay your bills on time, and if possible, in full. But every bill should be paid with at least the minimum payment, and preferably more.
2007-02-17 14:35:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
pay your bills eary or on time.
2007-02-17 14:38:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous