All songs that are considered to be obscene are censored from radio and television by the FCC. Also bands like Marilyn Manson are banned from certain cities. Chain stores such as Wall-Mart censor music by not stocking it or selling censored versions. There is censorship everywhere.
2007-02-17 14:13:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
if anything is banned or censored it is because private companies choose to do this. There are no government restrictions as long as it is not open to the public (like blaring curse words in the middle of times square or on non-cable television)
2007-02-17 14:15:36
answer #2
answered by dave 2
I don't know about today but back in the 70's there was a song called Native New Yorker by Oddysey. Good song but a lot of people didn't like the lyrics and I remember that a lot of radio stations wouldn't play it but I will never forget the day when I saw the duo of girls on American Bandstand.
2007-02-17 14:21:09
answer #3
answered by Merilee L 3
It's illegal for the government to censor speech (including music), but private companies like department stores, etc., can choose not to sell certain CDs.
I think Wal-Mart is one of the biggest censorers of music in the US.
2007-02-17 14:09:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In America, we don't ban or censor music.
2007-02-17 14:08:18
answer #5
answered by Stuart 7
pretty much all rap songs are censored on the radio.
2007-02-17 14:08:02
answer #6
answered by shane 7