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I'm currently using www.pandora.com a lot, and want to create a decent jazz station. I love the Syd Lawrence Big Band, but it can't find that, so can anyone name other really hot Big Bands that would do the job?!! I also play trombone and would like to explore more jazz trombonists......

I appreciate any suggestions!!

2007-02-17 13:48:00 · 3 answers · asked by Nick S 1 in Entertainment & Music Music

3 answers

[ Irving Aaronson & the Commanders ]
[ Leo Addeo Orch. ]
[ Bernard Addison Orch. ]
[ Charlie Agnew Orch. ]
[ Harry Akst Orch. ]
[ The Alabamians ], also see Cab Calloway

[ Johnny Aladdin's Society Band ]
[ Manny Albam Orch. ]
[ Don Albert Orch. ]
[ Jack Albin Orch. ]
[ Van Alexander Orch. ]
[ Barclay Allen Orch. ]
[ Bob Allen Orch. ]
[ Henry "Red" Allen Orch ]
[ Jap Allen Orch. ]
[ Rex Allen Big Band ]
[ Steve Allen Orch. ]
[ Danny Alvin Orch. ]
[ Ambrose & his Orch ]
[ Albert Ammons & his Port Harlem Rhythm ]
[ Gene Ammons & his Orch. ]
[ Leroy Anderson Orch. ]
[ Lew Anderson Orch. ]
[ Don Anthony Orch. ]
[ Ray Anthony Orch. ]
[ Arcadian Serenaders ], part of Wingy Manone Entry

[ Luis Arcaraz Orch. ]
[ Harry Archer Orch. ]
[ James Archey Orch. ]
[ The Arden and Ohman Orch. ], Victor Arden

[ Louis Armstrong Orch. ]
[ Desi Arnaz Orch. ]
[ Gus Arnheim and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra ]
[ Sidney Arodin Orch. ]
[ Zinn Arthur Orch. ]
[ Paul Ash Orch. ]
[ Bob Astor Orch. ]
[ Astoria Hot Eight ], (Jones and Collins)

[ Jan August Orch.]
[ Georgie Auld Orch. ]
[ Johnny Austin Orch. ]
[ Mitchell Ayres Orch. ]
[ Don Azpiazu & his Havana Casino Orch ]
[ Will Back Orch. ]
[ Bailey's Lucky Seven ], pseudonym used by Sam Lanin.

[ Ken Baker Orch. ]
[ Smith Ballew Orch. ]
[ Bud Barclay Orch. ]
[ Walter Barnes Orch. ]
[ Charlie Barnet Orch.]
[ Paul Baron Orch. ]
[ Blue Barron Orch. ]
[ Tony Barron Orch. ]
[ Alex Bartha Orch. ]
[ Count Basie Orch. ]
[ Sid Bass Orch. ]
[ Ray Bauduc Orch. ]
[ Charlie Baum Orch. ]
[ Les Baxter Orch. ]
[ Phil Baxter and his Texas Tommies ]
[ Johnny Bayesdorfer and His Jazzola Novelty Orch. ]
[ Sidney Bechet Orch. ]
[ "Bubbles" Becker Orch. ]
[ Bix Beidebecke Orch. ]
[ Leon Belasco Orch. ]
[ Louis Bellson Orch. ]
[ Tex Beneke Orch. ]
[ Benson Orch. ], see also, Don Bestor Orch.

[ Memo Bernabei Orch. ]
[ Ben Bernie and all the Little Lads ]
[ Bunny Berigan Orch. ]
[ Vic Berton Orch. ]
[ Don Bestor Orch. ], see also Benson Orch

[ Frank Bettencourt Orch. ]
[ Henry Biagini Orch. ]
[ Bidgood's Symphonic Dance Band ], Currently no information.

[ Paul Biese Orch. ]
[ Billy Bishop and his Mayfair Music ]
[ Black and Tan Orch. ], (Buddy Petit)

[ Frank Black Orch. ]
[ Ted Black Orch. ]
[ Eubie Blake Orch. ]
[ Jerry Blaine Orch. ]
[ Archie Bleyer Orch. ]
[ Ray Bloch Orch. ]
[ Bert Block Orch. ]
[ Blue Flame Syncopators ]
[ Buddy Bolden Orch. ]
[ Sharkey Bonano and his Sharks of Rhythm ]
[ Earl Bostic Orch. ]
[ Johnnny Bothwell Orch. ]
[ Charlie Boulanger Orch. ]
[ Ralph Bowen Orch. ]
[ Perry Bradford and his Jazz Phools ]
[ Will Bradley Orch. ]
[ Tiny Bradshaw Orch. ]
[ Nat Brandwynne Orch. ]
[ (King) Brady's Clarinet Orch. ]
[ Lou Breese Orch. ]
[ Ace Brigode and his Fourteen Virginians ]
[ Lou Bring Orch. ]
[ Frank and Milt Britton Orch. ]
[ John Benson Brooks Orch. ]
[ Randy Brooks Orch. ]
[ The Six Brown Brothers ]
[ Les Brown and his Band of Renown ]
[ Brown's Dixieland Jass Band ]
[ The Brunies Orchestras. ]
[ Albert Brunies Halfway House Orch. ]
[ Georg Brunis Orch. ]
[ George Brunies Orch. ]
[ Merrit Brunies Friar's Inn Orch. ]
[ Willie Bryant Orch. ]
[ Tim Brymn and The Black Devils Orch. ]
[ Teddy Buckner Orch. ]
[ Ted G. Buckner Orch. ]
[ The Bucktown Five ]
[ Chick Bullock Orch. ]
[ Ceele Burke and His Orch. ]
[ Hal Burke and the Tune Twisters Orch ]
[ Sonny Burke Orch. ]
[ Joe Bushkin Orch. ]
[ Earl Burtnett and his LA Biltmore Hotel Orch. ]
[ Henry Busse Orch. ]
[ Billy Butterfield Orch. ]
[ Erskine Butterfield Orch. ]
[ Ezra Buzzington's Rube Orch. ]
[ Bobby Byrne Orch. ]
[ Chuck Cabot Orch. ]
[ Emilio Caceres Y Sus Orquesta ]
[ The California Ramblers ]
[ Blanche Calloway and Her Joy Boys ]
[ Cab Calloway Orchestra. ]
[ Tutti Camarata Orch. ]
[ Buddy Campbell Orch. ]
[ Floyd Campbell Orch. ]
[ Del Campo Orch ], No Info Yet.

[ Pupi Campo Orch ]
[ Cannon's Jug Stompers ]
[ Mel Cardwell Orch. ]
[ Thomas "Mutt" Carey Band ]
[ Frankie Carle Orch. ]
[ Russ Carlton Orch. ]
[ Ernie Carson and the Famous Castle Jazz Band ]
[ Louise Carlyle Orch ]
[ Russ Carlyle Orch ]
[ Phil Carreon Orch. ]
[ David Carroll Orch. ]
[ Ernie Carson and The Castle Jazz Band ], also The Capitol City Jazz Band

[ Benny Carter Swing Orch. ]
[ Ray Carroll Orch. ], No nformation available.

[ Casa Loma Orch ], See Glen Gray & the Casa Loma Orch ]

[ "Chuck" Cascales Orch. ], early 1940s

[ Russ Case Orch. ]
[ Lee Castle Orch. ]
[ George Cates Orch. ]
[ Cats and a Fiddle ]
[ Sid Catlett Orch. ]
[ Cato's Vagabonds ]
[ Johnny Catron Orch. ]
[ Bob Causer and his Cornellians ]
[ Carmen Cavallaro Orch. ]
[ Oscar Celestin Orch. ]
[ Frank Chacksfield Orch. ]
[ Champion Dance Kings ], (Elmer Grosso)
[ Doc Cheatham Orch ]
[ Bob Chester Orchestra ]
[ Reggie Childs Orch ]
[ Chocolate Dandies Orch. ]
[ Chubb-Steinberg Orch. ]
[ Jerry Clapp and his Band of Sunshine
[ Gay Claridge Orch ]
[ Buddy Clark Orch ]
[ (Herman) Clebanoff Strings ]
[ Bill Clifford Orch ]
[ Larry Clinton Orch. ]
[ Robert Cloud Orch. ]
[ Jolly Coburn Orch ]
[ Buddy Cole Orch ]
[ Cozy Cole Orch ]
[ Emil Coleman Orch ]
[ The Collegians ]
[ Russ Columbo Orch ]
[ Frank Comstock Orch. ]
[ Eddie Condon Orch ]
[ Zez Confrey and his Orch ]
[ Conley - Silverman Orch ]
[ Ray Conniff Orch. and Chorus ]
[ Conway's Band ]
[ Doc Cook and the Dreamland Orch. ]
[ Will Marion Cook Orch ]
[ Coon-Sanders Nighthawks Orch. ]
[ Al Cooper and the Savoy Sultans ]
[ Hal Cord Orch. ]
[ George Corley's Royal Aces ]
[ Billy Cotton Orch ]
[ Del Courtney Orch ]
[ Warren Covington Orch ]
[ Dick Coy & his Racketeers ]
[ Gene Coy & his Harlem Swing ]
[ Francis Craig Orch ]
[ Jack Crawford Orch ]
[ Charlie Creath Orch. ]
[ Crescent City Jazzers ], Part of Wingy Manone Entry

[ Crescent City Joymakers ]
[ Bob Crosby and the Bobcats ]
[ Xavier Cugat Orch. ]
[ Bernie Cummins Orch ]
[ Hal Curtis Orch ]
[ Ben Cutler Orch ], No Info Yet
[ Earl Dabney Band ]
[ Frank Dailey Orch. ]
[ Arvin Dale Orch. ]
[ Dale's Dance Orch. ]
[ Duke Daly Orch. ], possibly a Canadian Orch.

[ Putney Dandridge Orch ]
[ "Dadanelle" ]
[ D'Artega and his Orch. ]
[ "Doc" Daugherty and his Orch. ]
[ Jack Davies & his Kentuckians ]
[ Johnny "Scat" Davis Orch ]
[ Jack Davies & his Kentuckians ]
[ Lew Davies Orch. ]
[ Charlie Davis Orch. ]
[ Meyer Davis Orch. ]
[ "Wild Bill" Davison Orch ]
[ Bobby Day Orch. ]
[ Peter Dean Orch. ]
[ Harold DeJan Orch. ]
[ Milton DeLugg Orch. ]
[ Jack Denny Orch. ], here Listed on our Canadian Bands Database

[ Martin Denny Orch. ]
[ Dave Dennis Orch. ]
[ Hal Derwin Orch. ]
[ Emery Deutsch Orch. ]
[ Frank DeVol Orch. ]
[ Leo Diamond Orch. ]
[ Carroll Dickerson Orch. ]
[ Dilworth's Little German Band ]
[ Dixie Stompers ]
[ Will Dodge Orch. ]
[ Clyde Doerr Orch. ]
[ Al Donahue Orch. ]
[ Sam Donahue Orch. ]
[ The Dorsey Brothers Orch. ]
[ Jimmy Dorsey Orch ]
[ Tommy Dorsey Orch ]
[ Saxie Dowell Orch. ]
[ Carmen Dragon Orch. ]
[ Eddy Duchin Orch. ]
[ Bobby Dukoff Orch. ]
[ Oscar Dumont Orch. ]
[ Sonny Dunham Orch. ]
[ Ann Dupont and Her 12 Men of Music ]
[ Jimmy Durante New Orleans Orch. ]
[ Reginald DuValle and His Blackbirds Orch. ]
[ Ray Eberle Orch. ]
[ Gus C. Edwards Terrace Garden Orch. ]
[ Billy Eckstine Orch ]
[ Charlie Elgar Band ]
[ Les Elgart Orch ]
[ Eddie Elkins Orch. ]
[ Duke Ellington Orch. ]
[ Mercer Ellington Orch. ]
[ Baron Elliott Orch. ]
[ Dean Elliott Orch. ]
[ Don Ellis Orch. ]
[ Seger Ellis Orch. ]
[ Ziggy Elman Orch. ]
[ Skinnay Ennis Orch. ]
[ Esquivel Orch. ]
[ Eureka Brass Band ], See Crescent City Joymakers

[ James Reese Europe's 369th Regiment Hellfighter's Band ]
[ Jack Everette Orch ]
[ Percy Faith Orch. ]
[ Willie Farmer Orch. ]
[ Happy Felton Orch. ]
[ Ed Fennell's Ninth Street Stompers ]
[ Carl Fenton Orch ]
[ Felix Ferdinando Orch. ]
[ Maynard Ferguson Orch. ]
[ George Feyer Orch. ]
[ Arthur Fields & His Assasinators ], (Fred "Sugar" Hall Orch.)

[ Ernie Fields & The Territory Big Band ]
[ Herbie Fields Orch. ]
[ Shep Fields and his Rippling Rhythm ]
[ Jack Fina Orch. ]
[ Ted Fio Rito Orch. ]
[ Bud Fisher and his Commodores ], aka: Scott Fisher & his Orch.

[ Freddie Fisher and the Schnickelfritzers ]
[ The Five Birmingham Babies ], See California Ramblers.

[ Ralph Flanagan Orch. ]
[ Chuck Foster Orch. ]
[ Panama Francis and the Savoy Sultans ], See Al Cooper
[ Hugo Frey Orch. ]
[ Friar's Society Orch. ]
[ Frisco Jass Band ]
[ Dominic Frontiere Orch. ]
[ Earl Fuller's Rector Novelty Orch. ]
[ Larry Funk Orch ]
[ Bobby Hackett Orch. ]
[ Gus Haenschen Orch ]
[ Cass Hagan & his Park Central Hotel Orch. ]
[ Al Hahn and his Swingcopators ]
[ Chuck Hall Orch ]
[ Fred "Sugar" Hall and His Sugar Babies ]
[ George Hall Orch ]
[ Henry Hall & his BBC Dance Orch ]
[ "Sleepy" Hall Orch ]
[ Mal Hallett Orch ]
[ Henry Halstead Orch. ]
[ Johnny Hamp and The Kentucky Serenaders ]
[ Lionel Hampton Orch. ]
[ The Happy Six ], (see Elmer Grosso)

[ Marion Hardy's Alabamians ], see Cab Calloway

[ Manny Harmon Orch. ]
[ (Jerry Murad and) The Harmonicats ]
[ Harris Brother's Texans Orch.]
[ Phil Harris Orch ]
[ Coleman Hawkins Orch. ]
[ Erskine Hawkins Orch. ]
[ Edgar Hayes Orch ]
[ Sherman Hayes Orch ]
[ Joe Haymes Orch ]
[ Lennie Hayton Orch ]
[ Ernie Hecksher Orch. ]
[ Ted Heath Orch. ], now listed on our British Bands Database

[ Ray Heatherton Orch ]
[ Neil Hefti Orch ]
[ (Lucille Hegamin and Her) Blue Flame Syncopators ]
[ Horace Heidt Orch ]
[ Fletcher Henderson Orch. ]
[ Luther Henderson Orch. ]
[ Horace Henderson Orch. ]
[ Skitch Henderson Orch ]
[ Tal Henry and his North Carolinians ]
[ Ray Herbeck Orch ]
[ Woody Herman and the Herman Herd ]
[ Eddie Heywood Sextet ]
[ Art Hickman Orch ]
[ Teddy Hill Orch ]
[ Tiny Hill Orch ]
[ Richard Himber Orch ]
[ Earl "Fatha" Hines Orch ]
[ Al Hirt Orch ]
[ Les Hite Orch ]
[ Everett Hoagland Orch. ]
[ Carl Hoff Orch ]
[ Saxi Holtsworth's Harmony Hounds ]
[ Hoosier Hotshots ]
[ Claude Hopkins Orch ]
[ Harry Horlick & his A&P Gypsies ]
[ Eddy Howard Orch ]
[ Paul Howard and His Quality Serenaders ]
[ Don Hoy Orch ]
[ Dean Hudson Orch ]
[ Will Hudson Orch ]
[ Hudson - DeLange Orchestra ]
[ Lloyd Hunter's Serenaders ]
[ Lloyd Huntley's Isle O' Blues Orch. ]
[ Ina Ray Hutton and her Melodears ]
[ Jack Hylton Orch ]
[ Dick Hyman Orch ]
[ Indiana Five ]
[ Red Ingle and the Natural Seven ]
[ International Sweethearts of Rhythm ]
[ Andy Iona and his Islanders ]
[ Imperial Band ] See Jazz Overview

[ Bull Moose Jackson and His Buffalo Bearcats ]
[ Samuel "Curly" Jacob Orch. ]
[ Illinois Jacquet & His Blue Velvet Orch. ]
[ Harry James Orch.]
[ Art Jarrett Orch ]
[ Frankie "Half-Pint" Jaxon Orch ]
[ Jazzola Novelty Orch ]
[ Gordon Jenkins Orch ]
[ Jack Jenney Orch ]
[ Jerry Jerome Orch ]
[ Henry Jerome Orch ]
[ Nick Jerret Orch ]
[ Jeter-Pillars Orch ]
[ Arnold Johnson and His Paramount Hotel Orch. ]
[ Buddy Johnson Orch. ]
[ "Bunk" Johnson Orch. ]
[ Freddy Johnson Orch. ]
[ Charlie Johnson and His Paradise Club Orch. ]
[ Johnny Johnson and His Hotel Statler Orch. ]
[ Jones and Collins Astoria Hot Eight ]
[ Ev Jones Orch. ]
[ Isham Jones Orch. ]
[ Jonah Jones Quintet ]
Richard M. Jones ]
[ Spike Jones Orch ]
[ Louis Jordan & his Tympani Five Orch ]
[ Jimmy Joy Orch. ]
[ Dick Jurgens Orch. ]

2007-02-17 15:02:16 · answer #1 · answered by fivetwowithnothing2do 2 · 0 0

You have a good taste in big band music and I would like to help. A few years ago,big band music were popular in our town. Syd lawrence came down once or twice...but you've had no luck from him. Try searching the internet for BOB MILLER AND HIS BAND.

2007-02-20 14:26:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A couple of my favorite jazz bands are Maria Schneider big band and Dave Holland big band. They are both amazing and are definately worth checking out.

2007-02-20 00:37:05 · answer #3 · answered by Jocelyn W 1 · 0 0

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