There is no real unacceptable age. It all depends on your situation. If you are going to college and home on holidays. If you are working and saving money for your own place and helping your parents out with their bills. If your parents need your income because their health problems. If you are down on your luck and lost your place and just need a transition place. There are lots of reasons to be living with your parents into your 20's.
2007-02-17 13:56:48
answer #1
answered by eharrah1 5
Living with your parents should not make you feel like it is unacceptable or you being a burden. It is there home and if they care about you enough and you are doing what you can to help out with the chores and the bills I would think they would accept you living at home as long as you need for you to get out on your own. You can also get to know your family better and they you.
2007-02-17 21:59:15
answer #2
answered by workinonit 1
At the age of 50, because after half a century of living, you should be wise enough and responsible enough to find a way to support yourself without the help of your parents.
2007-02-17 21:55:23
answer #3
answered by mischievious 2
By 21 you should be out of there and on your own unless you are going to a local college.
2007-02-17 21:48:57
answer #4
answered by nthernlites40 4
18 years one (1) day unless you are in school and then 23 and one (1) day if going to college. 18 to 23 you live with parents in summer and in dorm 9 months while in school.
2007-02-17 21:49:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous