Making abortion illegal will just lead to illegal, back-alley abortions.
2007-02-17 12:31:50
answer #1
answered by runner08 3
I have always considered myself pro choice but when ever they debate it on TV I always find myself rooting for the Pro Life guy/ lady.
At heart I am Pro Life. I think abortion should be legal only in the first three months and never afterward for any reason other than the very rare instance of where the life of the mother is TRULY at stake.
I am very upset that these pro choice extremists won't yield to the majority and agree to make third trimester abortions illegal. I would rather all abortions were made illegal than to allow this form of infanticide to continue.
Morally I think its Murder. I even oppose Stem Cell research that uses human children in the fertilized egg stage ( we were all at that stage once and a lot of us forget that) because once fertilized that DNA becomes a distinct individual. Sex, eye color a million other factors -- even sexual orientation --are all decided at the critical moment when sperm meets egg.
Some day we are going to be able to take a cell from a developing baby and run it in the computer and the computer will be able to tell us what that person will look like. These are people we are talking about. And I think they have rights. They may not be able to talk but that does not mean they don't have these rights.
We must speak for them.
2007-02-17 20:34:51
answer #2
answered by John16 5
Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. This is a very private and individual decision and politics and religion should not enter into it.
We're playing with a double standard when teens are encouraged to become sexually active at an early age. But when they get pregnant, the support network is very thin. Most young men in their teens are not mature enough to take on the responsibilities of marriage or a family, so the guy usually ducks out and leaves the girl with the problem. She becomes an unwed mother and either her parents help to look after her and the child or she goes on welfare. In either case, it becomes a no-dad family, and that's not a good thing for society as a whole. Either that or we give up the whole idea of family units and it's everyone for themselves and the state supports all children until they reach 18.
The entertainment industry has to shoulder a lot of blame for lowering the standards and for making extra-marital or pre-marital sex okay. And advertisers are guilty as well. Ifyou dress a twelve year old to look like a little street walker, guess what's going to happen?
That's my opinion on the topic.
2007-02-17 20:41:51
answer #3
answered by old lady 7
It is an undeniable biological fact that every abortion kills a living human being. Killing innocent human beings is wrong. It's not complicated. For more information, see:
Medically Speaking, When Does Life Begin?
Abortion Techniques:
Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:
Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:
Abortion Risks:
Abortion Deaths:
Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:
Why Killing Children Conceived in Rape Is Wrong:
According to 480 American Physicians, Abortion Is Never Necessary to Save a Woman’s Life:
The Testimony of Former Abortionists:
A Comparison of Abortion and Other Historical Genocides:
2007-02-18 21:55:08
answer #4
answered by Just the Facts 2
I believe that in cases of rape, incest, or if a womans life is in danger then it is just fine. I don't believe it is right in any other circumstance. What really bothers me is that people scream it is a womans right, but really what it comes down to is stupidity. If you don't use protection or birth control then you are just lazy and ignorant to start with. Another thing is that most people who are for abortion are against capital punishment for anyone and are usually anti-war no matter if it is necessary or not. They are also usually very much against any type of violence either literal or depicted, but they seem to have no problem with the killing of an unborn or partialy born child. That is really twisted if you ask me.
Also the fact that if it was made illegal would open up a black market for abortion is no excuse. That is like saying heroin should be legalized to stop the illegal use and sale of it.
2007-02-17 20:37:41
answer #5
answered by Elvis 3
I, and a number of women I know, love, and respect, have had an abortion. I admit this not with pride, but with acceptance and without any shame or guild attached.
I am of the belief that every child born should be a wanted child, and that the parents of said child should be in a capacity to provide for it both materially and emotionally. Many abortions occur as this is simply not possible in today's society- be it due there being a stigma attached to single parenthood, a lack of support from one's partner/family, a lack of quality childcare or suitable maternity leave from one's employer, or an inadequate and ineffective welfare situation.
A lot of people hold the simplistic view that women who have abortions are cold hearted wenches simply terminating a pregnancy as they are incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions, or merely for their convenience. Abortion is an invasive and traumatic procedure, and women that procure such a procedure merely for convenience are few and far between.
You probably know at least one person that has had an abortion, maybe even someone you love and respect. But sadly, there is such a huge stigma attached to abortion that you will probably never know. Which makes it so much easier to write abortion off as something reserved only for poor women, promiscuous women, women of colour, women somehow not like you. I really hope to see the day when we can, as a society, engage in proper educated debate without fear of reprisal or ostracism.
2007-02-17 22:48:55
answer #6
answered by red stilletoes 2
Abortion is wrong under all circumstances and should be illegal for most circumstances with the few exceptions of rape. Liberals spout this "choice" nonsense and have invented a constitutional right to an abortion. It is sad that we are the greatest nation on earth but yet killing innocent unborn children simply because they are an inconvenience to the mother is considered okay to our society. A fetus is a child with it's own body completely independent from the mother's and should be protected under law.
2007-02-17 20:35:12
answer #7
answered by politicsforthefuture 2
Abortions should remain legal in the first trimester but not beyond that time except in cases of medical necessity. And the number of abortions would be reduced if society could remove the stigma on unwed pregancies. At least then they could be born and given up for adoption.
2007-02-17 20:34:47
answer #8
answered by johnnybassline 3
My position is antiabortion--at least get the abortion before the fetal stage (8 weeks). My argument? Study Medical Abortion Procedure--If you can stomach it-- and Fetology.
2007-02-17 20:41:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
All the women's has to able to make a decision freely about this question, and abortion should be legal.
It is unacceptable that 55% of the earth population (the women's) are restricted by some crazy male politicians to make a choice, which will definitively change their life.
"Neither Pope, nor judges, nor the police; the women will decide - free abortion." - Revolutionary Socialist Party (Portugal).
2007-02-17 20:47:23
answer #10
answered by ekbalazs222 1
I am against it. The reason is I've seen forensics put back the pieces once they are aborted, and if people saw what they were destroying in that light, they'd ban it all over the nation. Also, I believe the moment that heart starts to beat...there's life. NO ONE will ever change my mind.
2007-02-17 20:32:24
answer #11
answered by chole_24 5