I saw the movie. It was a "kids movie", but I liked it. I knew Leslie was going to die, but there is no foreshadowing whatsoever. It is really sad :[ the kid had no friends, and then she died. I even KNEW she was going to die, I just feel sorry for all those suckers in the theatre who thought it was a happy movie and then BOOM she died...at least I knew it was coming.
That's my review, here's a professional review I found online.
Although billed as a fantasy film for kids, Bridge to Terabithia has found a warm reception among adult critics. "Consistently smart and delicate as a spider web, Bridge to Terabithia is the kind of children's movie rarely seen nowadays," comments Jeannette Catsoulis in the New York Times. Many of the critics warn parents of the Very Sad Thing that occurs in the story. Claudia Puig in USA Today cautions: "The plot takes a sad turn that could be disturbing to some children." Echoes Melinda Ennis in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The twist may be too upsetting for younger children." Several critics suggest that to describe what it entails would be a spoiler. As Cristy LeMire writes for the Associated Press: "What starts out idyllic and wholesome can be heartbreaking by the end. That's all we'll say. After all, some things are better left to the imagination." Others suggest that the ending will not leave children traumatized. Indeed, writes Elizabeth Weitzman in the New York Daily News: "Everyone involved [in the making of the film] genuinely seems to believe in the power of imagination to enliven -- and enlighten -- the darkest realities, and that's a magic this film captures beautifully."
2007-02-17 15:51:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I absolutely loved the book so I couldn't wait till the movie came out. I saw it tonight and it was an excellent movie. It followed the book pretty closely. There were funny parts and of course some pretty sad parts dealing with death but all the kids that were in the movie tonight loved it. You should definitely go see it!
2007-02-17 13:37:52
answer #2
answered by Ms. H 6
I saw the movie, it was a little weird in some parts but all around was a good movie
2007-02-17 13:58:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, I saw the movie the day it came out, and it was awesome! I've never read, the book, but considering my sister read it with her class, she said that it followed the book VERY well! Hope you have fun!! ;D
2007-02-17 14:26:07
answer #4
answered by Raielle Noma 4
It definetly became into between the saddest video clips ive seen in a jointly as.. i became into balling like a infant by ability of the top of. this would be going overboard yet most of the flicks i think of are the saddest 9(that have made me cry or tear up) Moulin rouge (new one..) fried eco-friendly tomatoes Zwartboek (shwartzbuch aka blackbook.. to no longer be at a loss for words with the yank action picture 'the black e book') the action picture 'O' V for vendetta - her dropping him and all.. it only sorta struck me as incredibly unhappy... he became into her byronic hero in a manner, you recognize? somewhat princess made me incredibly unhappy while she became into drawing the circle round her up in the chilly attic of the academy/boarding college place the eco-friendly mile became into unhappy, yet i didnt cry great made me incredibly unhappy...sort of pity for jack because of the fact he became into so alive and he had lots to stay for and make human beings satisfied and if all people could have died i think of it is going to have been rose. (yet im only weird and wonderful like that) you recognize the parody 'Shaun of the ineffective', nicely, it incredibly made me unhappy because of the ending and the appropriate buddy.. i are conscious of it became into meant to be sort of lovable and humorous, regardless of the undeniable fact that it only appeared so unhappy and pathetic Amadeus made me unhappy and so did Phantom of the Opera (the maximum recent one with emmy russom. the others had undesirable making a track and worse track alternatives) I definetly went over board, sorry approximately that. Its so humorous nevertheless, because of the fact im incredibly stoic (or atleast thats what ive been informed) and that i know im incredibly sorta quiet, yet once I watch those video clips, i bypass nuts.
2016-11-23 15:38:40
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Haven't seen the movie... but I will admit that it was the only book that has EVER made me cry... and sadly, I was in 6th grade... I don't even remember exactly what it was about.
2007-02-17 11:26:59
answer #6
answered by AckDuScheisse!! 4
all i'll say is I didn't like the book.
2007-02-17 11:23:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous