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Why has Britney Spears let her career go down the toilet? When she first came on to the music scene,she seemed so sweet and down to earth,and within the past couple of years,she acts like she has lost her marbles why? Doesn't she realize how damaging that this will be to her music career? Alot of her former fans have had enough of her behavior and will not buy any future CD's that she makes because she has really turned alot of people off with her rebel/partying act. What do you think of Britney Spears new bald head,her new tattoo,and her non stop drinking and partying? Do you think that if she doesn't stop her partying ways,that social services may take her children away? I am curious to see what everyrone else thinks about Britney Spears wild behavior and antics lately?

2007-02-17 09:58:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

19 answers

I think she is in the midst of a MAJOR melt-down!

Unfortunately, this happens to a lot of people that are rich & spoiled, whether they happen to be celebrities of NOT!!! She has too much money, too little self-control. She evidently feels that she can live by her own rules, and answer to no one for her bad behavior. If she doesn't clean up her act, she WILL burn out eventually. And when that happens, the outcome is usually quite tragic. I heard on the news that her family attempted an intervention. Some way, someHOW, Britney needs a reality check - and needs to heed the call before it's too late!!!!

(The new bald head is NOT a good sign!)

2007-02-17 10:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats what you get when you grow up in the spot light. You gain money but you lose your childhood. Instead of going through the steps to learn how to be an adult, she was just shoved there. Giving here all she wants in a young age and then when she hits a wall she can't handle the rejection and difficulties that a normal person would. She seems to be addicted to attention, and thats why she exhibits bizzare behavior. Like I said, she's our new Michael Jackson. I wish California would break apart from the rest of the U.S. and put up stringent immigration laws. Mexicans can come in, but no Freaks.

2007-02-17 10:10:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who knows what goes on in the head of Britt. She may be taking her breakup very hard and reacting. I do think she needs to clean up her act tho, for her children's sake, or maybe that is what this is all about, getting rid of her children and pleading insanity so she does not have to pay support. I do not believe Britt knows at this point what she wants. She got too much too fast and it is all catching up with her and she cannot handle it. I sure hope she had the sense to get someone responsible to take care of the children while she is going bonkers.

2007-02-17 10:10:03 · answer #3 · answered by Katykins 5 · 0 0

She's a movie star and she or he's continuously in the limelight and has countless expectancies on her from anybody in the international. She caved under the rigidity and that makes her seem extra widely used to me than she ever has. i'm hoping that she would be in a position to get some help and recuperate so she would be in a position to be a robust mom to her toddlers.

2016-09-29 06:11:54 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think when you go through a divorce it is really hard. You do stupid stuff all the time. No one really understands unless you go through it. I think Britney needs to keep herself out of the bars and start concentrating on those kids. She is still fighting that twit of a husband for the kids.

2007-02-17 10:07:42 · answer #5 · answered by Brown-eyed girl 4 · 0 0

Being a hi-profile identity as she is,she has had to live an almost reclusive life for quite some time and i feel that as such,she has missed whwt we ,as others ,take for granted,going out and having a good time.
i think it's caught up with her and now she is trying to make up lost time,she isn't doing anything that "normal" girls wouldn't do,except get noticed.
Thousands of "normal" girls do exactly as she is doing and no-one ever hears about it..
After all,under her hi-profile image is still just a normal human being!!
All that said and done,as for her cd's ,i wouldn't have brought one regardless,
Many hi-profile people have fallen from grace and then outsold their next cd..,sometimes they need public outcry to get back on top

2007-02-17 10:16:38 · answer #6 · answered by buddybottle_australia 2 · 0 1

britney lost it when she married k-fed. shes been spiraling out of control since her whirlwind 55 hour marriage to jason alexander. she needs help but it will do her no good until she wants the help.she is gonna wind up dead soon if she doesnt get off the drugs and alcohol us weekly said shes been taking meth and heroin

2007-02-17 10:04:54 · answer #7 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 0 0

She is definitely in an identity crisis. She even shaved her head bald! She needs psychotherapy and quick before she loses her mind, or what is left of it.

2007-02-17 10:01:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes she has! Someone needs to tell her to get help. I could do without another Anna Nicole Smith story.

2007-02-17 10:07:27 · answer #9 · answered by Nikki 3 · 0 0

Yes, I do think that she lost her damn mind! I feel sorry for her though. If I was related to her or worked for her or whatever, I don't care if she got mad -- I would tell her that she needs help and do whatever I could to convince her to seek it.

2007-02-17 10:02:35 · answer #10 · answered by Happy 3 · 0 0

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