2007-02-18 03:12:20
answer #1
answered by Jonny D 3
Britney Spears shaving her hair off was surprising to me. I guess now I can call her Britney Shears. I'm not sure if any other celebrities will follow suit, I wouldn't want to copy her, she's been a wreck lately. I can't picture Paris doing that.
2007-02-17 17:55:07
answer #2
answered by Scarlett 3
Paris would never shave her hair she is too into her looks that's all she has going for her. And she's not even pretty she has just fooled people into thinking she is. Anyway. Britney will just wear wigs now so whatever.
2007-02-17 17:56:04
answer #3
answered by xoxo 6
At least, she doesn't try to look like that Nicole Smith trash. Actually, she does have a nice, cute.and oval face to sport a shaved head - does give her that sweet impy look. Does remind me of the time when Demi Moore shaved her head to play a Navy SEAL in G.I. Jane and for the Woody Allen comedy, Deconstructing Harry. Demi did look good in the films.
When one looks at some of the females with straggy, badly treated and thinning hair, just like that weather lady on CNN who thrashed Spears, and should be looking at herself in the mirror first before commenting, Spears doesn't look that bad. Spears want to turn over a new leaf, and if she feels that's her way of encouraging herself, so be it. Leave her alone. It's none of anyone's business what kind of hairstyle or even tatoos she adopts. Perhaps, she would give courage to those balding women the courage to shave off whatever few straggy hairs are left on their heads!
2007-02-17 18:15:13
answer #4
answered by United_Peace 5
Britney spears has lost her mind, looks like she is ready to join
a cult and start peddeling flowers. The Cult of retards or Morons
without a doubt.
2007-02-17 17:57:37
answer #5
answered by Rusty Jones 4
Paris Hilton definitely won't do it. She loves her hair. I definitely could see Winona Ryder going bald, but no one would care; Angelina would do it if someone told her it would give money to an African child for her to do it.
2007-02-17 17:59:55
answer #6
answered by Beauty Bunny 3
Britney is smoking crack or something. Not even Paris is that dumb to shave her head.
2007-02-17 17:55:26
answer #7
answered by CctbOh 5
they are both sad trouts that will do anything for some free publicity be better if that hilton thingy shaved her head off completely
2007-02-17 20:40:23
answer #8
answered by PARADOX 4
I couldn't believe it either. I know someone who did that but she was suffering from a sever depression at the time. I kind of feel sorry for her - she doesn't seem right.
2007-02-17 17:55:08
answer #9
answered by nitenurse 3
I don't know about shaving it off, but Christina Aguilera's hair will sure fall out of she keeps bleaching it.
2007-02-17 17:55:37
answer #10
answered by Rachel 6