1:30 pm, Friday, July 3, 1863 near a small southern Pennsylvania crossroads...
2007-02-17 16:18:11
answer #1
answered by Its not me Its u 7
i would love to go back to the 80s (those were the days) Adidas Supsersars, Run D.M.C, The Breakfast Club, Drug Cartels coming to the End of the Cold War...it would probably be pretty cool to live in the 50s as it is said that that was the decade were America was at national perfection...60s and 70s would be pretty hot though!
But an era in history would probably have to be a Chieftain or Noble in the Mongols...i could keep a slave-girl.
2007-02-17 17:31:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Victorian Era I love how everything was so proper and pretty. I t was so much simpiler then and every women owned 20 million dresses. It would rock to live in that Era. Men were nice, no divorces hardly ever happpened. Now we are in a messed up society were murders and divorces happen every day.
2007-02-17 17:36:05
answer #3
answered by brunetteguhl 2
Great question. There are many I would like to sample, but I think eventually I would miss my luxuries!
But I would love to go back to the middle ages, so much history was happening, so much great art and writing and the whole age of enlightenment!
I would also like to visit the wild west! Every where you go, you're on horseback and the whole "shoot em up cowboy!"!!
I would love to go back to Bill Gates' childhood and become his very close lifelong friend! Sigh...............think of the money I would have had if I was whispering "Microsoft" in his ear!
OK, in reading these answers are people really saying THE 80'S??? Man, I am OLD!
2007-02-17 17:31:30
answer #4
answered by BlueSea 7
the 80's or the future...the 80's just because i think the 80's sounded cool(truthfully im not sure y) and the future because i want 2 c all of the advances we have made...but i also love the era we r in rite this second because this is were my life is rite now and i cudn't imagin my life differently...i mean w/out the experiences i have gained from the people around me(who if i had been born at nyother time i wud have nvr met)
2007-02-17 17:30:37
answer #5
answered by Laur 3
The Victorian Era (I love how everything was so proper and pretty) or the 50s. Poodle skirts, sock hops, malts, pink and black.. it's just cool. (Relax, I do realize the 50s were not ONLY these things.) Unrealistically, I would also have loved to live where/when/if there were elves and fairies and unicorns and magic.. haha..
2007-02-17 17:30:06
answer #6
answered by windchimes335 2
prob 18th C. love the literature from that period. people actually spoke properly, love the language and etiquette. but i'm a great fan of Hardy, Austen, etc. so thats prob why, on reflection on a global scale things werent so good - slavery, rise of colonialism etc. I guess every era will have its pros and cons, so might as well be stuck were i am..!
2007-02-17 17:28:27
answer #7
answered by third space 4
This one. There are exciting advances in science every day. The world is changing. We understand more about the universe around us (only to realize how little we actually know). I believe that we are in the midst of a revolution beyond the significance of the Industrial Revolution and I can't wait to see where it goes. Who wouldn't want to be alive now?
2007-02-17 17:28:23
answer #8
answered by LX V 6
Victorian era
2007-02-17 17:26:28
answer #9
answered by Mystee_Rain 5
it would probably be in the renasaissance period, cuz i like the clothing.....lol. also i would probly want to be like a noble's daughter that way i actually get to go to all the balls and everything, but that's really the only reason why. if u want a sensible reason then i would want to live in Biblical times b cuz they were so much closer to God and also a lot healthier then.
2007-02-17 17:32:32
answer #10
answered by iluvdrma 2