Some of the answers contained within here defy common sense. Apparently nobody reads history anymore. Maybe that's why we have such a sophmoric approach to the world. we are worried that the French or the Germasn won't like us.
Do some of you people honestly believe that if we just play nice we'll all "just get along"???? Read about Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who had "peace in our time" by talking nice to Hitler in 1938. Read about the deal with North Korea during the Clinton administration, similar to the deal we just made, to provide fuel and food in exchange for their stopping aggressive actions on the Korean Peninsula. What did that get us? A madman who raised the stakes and blackmailed us for even more this time.
Until Americans understand that there are evil people who will kill us just because we are who we are, and that they want us DEAD not just acquiescent to their demands, we will face tyrant after tyrant after tyrant. The names have changed, but the face is still the same! Call him Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, or Osama Bin Laden, they just want us dead!
As a nation, we have to remain a beacon of light and freedom to the world. Even if the left in this country calls US the aggressors. We must strive to, as Martin Luther King said, fulfill the promises in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. We are a good country and a good people. The potential is there yet!
2007-02-17 16:16:16
answer #1
answered by Gary E 3
Bring all the troops home, then blow a crater in the side of the Earth where the Middle East now is. That'd be a good start.
2007-02-17 18:46:32
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Help other countries, not invade them. Only offer help if the country will promise to help themselves. Be known as a nation that helps others. Feed the poor, immunize the children, etc. Plead to the leaders of other countries for peace in their lands and between others. Not be so much of a bully, like Bush has made our country out to be. Be giving, supportive and understanding.
2007-02-17 17:01:55
answer #3
answered by looloo1122 5
I would talk to people more, even if I didn't particulary like them.
An example of this not happening in the last few years is North Korea. Although the regime there is rather unsavoury, progress could have been made simply by keeping a dialogue going.
2007-02-17 16:58:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would start at home. I would get rid of all our nuclear weapons, and I would bring all of troops home from around the world. Other smaller, poorer nations follow our example. So when they see us fighting a war in Iraq for our "protection", they feel they have the right to fight and kill for their protection. It would probably never work,but it's the only way I can think of.
2007-02-17 18:13:33
answer #5
answered by Daniel 2
Stop acting immature and start acting up to the principles outlined in the declaration of independence and constituition. All people are equal and so on.
2007-02-17 17:22:55
answer #6
answered by greebo 4
I'd look for common ground amoung people rather than for differences. Speak softly and carry a big stick.
2007-02-17 16:52:51
answer #7
answered by Enduringwisdom 4
Destroy our enemies first and foremost. The way to peace is through victory, and the way to victory is through the enemy.
Heavy-handed? Bah. Let them hate us as long as they fear us.
2007-02-17 19:34:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Kill Myself
2007-02-17 17:33:31
answer #9
answered by Brad 2
I would blow up everyone who does not agree with me, that way everyone knows not to mess with the U.S.
2007-02-17 16:56:14
answer #10
answered by blu_drgn25 4