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I've always wanted to try different makeup styles but I don't know what would go great on my skin.

2007-02-17 08:19:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

11 answers

Use eyeshadow brush,sweep a light color over your entire lid to create a smooth base for layers of color next apply a medium to dark color to the crease, starting at the outer corner and working inward.Finish by buffing the color back in an outward direction.
I am a brown skinned sister and i find pinks,light blues and purples work for me with a lil dark brown

2007-02-17 08:44:36 · answer #1 · answered by Tamika H 1 · 1 0

I wouldn't do a smokey eye look for school... isn't it a bit too heavy? If it's the natural-looking soft kind of smokey eye, go ahead, though. I'd recommend using golden and brown colors instead of gray and black for the everyday makeup. It wouldn't look weird if you only use gold on the eyelid, dark brown in the crease, and black or black/brown in the outer corner. And brown eyeliner on your waterline/lower lash line- black is, again, too much for the daytime smokey eye. Golds, silvers, and shimmery champagne-y whites would look good on you! (::(:

2016-05-23 23:28:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Use a metallic gold (dont put too much on though) over almost your whole eyelid, but dont go up all the way to your eyebrows. Then use a smoky-blue color close to your lash line and on the crease. Some eyeliner and mascara and your set!

2007-02-17 08:25:59 · answer #3 · answered by 17*mezzo*17 3 · 0 0

The make-up artists at Mac can do a great job of the "smoky eye" look and tell you what products/colors you need to achieve that look.

2007-02-20 14:38:20 · answer #4 · answered by bajan_75 3 · 0 0

I would go to the mall...bobi brown or mac counter and let them do it. Or what I used to do was get some gray eye-liner and then use a Que-tip a smudge it to your liking. It is a lot easier than trying to keep you eyeshadow controlled

2007-02-17 09:26:09 · answer #5 · answered by RissaM84 2 · 0 0

Check out the smoky eye makeup steps here: http://www.beauty-tricks.com/beautyforum/viewtopic.php?t=119&sid=8940324eee02b90ab1bf8fa91c587dd9

2007-02-17 17:56:41 · answer #6 · answered by Ice Queen 5 · 0 0

Use colors like gold, and light silver. Dont make it too heavy.

2007-02-17 10:24:38 · answer #7 · answered by Sadie &hearts 5 · 0 0

If i were you, i would go with a silver grey and continue on with a smoky white. or i would use a shimmery gold.

2007-02-17 09:45:30 · answer #8 · answered by Jen 2 · 0 0

I think silver would look good with your skin type

2007-02-17 08:29:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

try metallic colors

2007-02-17 08:25:29 · answer #10 · answered by i4munwritten 3 · 0 0

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