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if u walk in a store and u want to steal a shirt or sumthing, cant u just take two of the same things and go in a fitting room and put one of the things on, and then put ur normal clothes on over it and just walk out like nothing happend but leave the 2nd shirt or pants you took, and put them back from whereever you got them, and no1 would ever know

2007-02-17 07:46:11 · 10 answers · asked by jericho064 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

well, u kno u could just rip the tags off and the other stuff, and if they count, which they dont do all the time, then dont do it, i wanna do it but i dont want to since i dont wanna take any chances, but hey

2007-02-17 07:54:21 · update #1

10 answers

Did you ask this question so you could figure out how to steal some shirt? That is soooooooooooooo wrong..... did you hear me? WRONG!!!!!!!!

2007-02-17 08:21:48 · answer #1 · answered by DramaQueen 4 · 0 0

How would you get the sensor tag off, most stores need a special tool to get those off and they are chip imbedded, plus most dressing rooms have an attendant who gives you a tag with the number of pieces to put on the door, also they sometimes take the clothes away from you thatt you want to put back What cheapo stores do you shop at that only have price tags and no security tag?

2007-02-21 03:46:21 · answer #2 · answered by moglie 6 · 0 0

As I'm a girl who loves to shop (not steal), I know that they count the number of items you bring into the dressing rooms at a lot of stores.

2007-02-17 07:51:02 · answer #3 · answered by Kissing Fate 2 · 0 0

???? Well for one, what's the point in risking your criminal record for one lousy shirt....and two - those barcode sensors that signal any decent store when someone walks out with clothing that hasn't been de-sensored would still give you away...especially if the little alarm didn't go off when you went in.

2007-02-17 07:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by Je 1 · 0 0

Why would you wanna steal.. jeez.
The only thing you'll end up getting is a place in jail :)

2007-02-17 07:59:16 · answer #5 · answered by MOVED! 5 · 0 0

Stores take specail precautions againt this, so it might be pretty hard. Besides, stealing is very wrong!

2007-02-17 08:21:42 · answer #6 · answered by jujola11 2 · 0 0

well that's why they usually count your things and give you a thingy with a number on it. but if they don't have attendants i guess that could work. but don't try it!

2007-02-17 07:49:43 · answer #7 · answered by Taylor 4 · 0 0

why even consider this?? Stealing of any form is wrong wrong wrong!

2007-02-17 07:54:18 · answer #8 · answered by altes_jan 2 · 1 0

sometimes but id b too scared to try

2007-02-17 07:50:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thats called stealing...oooh bad juju!!!!

2007-02-17 07:49:50 · answer #10 · answered by ~Soul Socks~ aka <Spiderwebs& 4 · 0 0

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