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-- Even if GOD caused you to KNOW that He really cares about you, although you might need help in learning to live a better way, as taught in the New Testament gospel?
--- Even if GOD urged you to not worry about what the other christians think or say as long as you stayed close to HIM & relearned the actual teachings of true biblical christianity, which much of the "church" seems to have fallen away from?

2007-02-17 07:41:47 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Oh, the idea of being gay/lesbian as incompatible with being christian is in the bible : Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; 20:30. Romans:1:26-27. 1Timothy1:10; 1Corinthians 6:9-11. Revelations 21:8; & the book of Jude (It's 1 chapter). Since God said,"I, the LORD, do not change."(Malachi 3:6) -- similarly testified in Hebrews 13:8 ( "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever") and James 1:17 (--the latter two in the new testament), there is certainty that standard still stands and many people should be glad for God's kindness, as related in Jude & 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Jesus Christ, Who never sinned, took the wrath that would have fallen on all sinners...that whosoever trusts in Him might be saved, and He taught forgiveness for the repentant; but make no mistake, scripture also says that God isn't mocked(Galations 6:7). Afraid because releasing sin is tough? Don't lie: do your best, and cry out to God from your heart. GOD gives faith (Ephesians 2:2-8).

2007-02-19 14:00:03 · update #1

34 answers

depends on what God said, there are many different christians. Are they all practicing correctly?


2007-02-21 06:41:51 · answer #1 · answered by Tegarst 7 · 1 1

Proving the existence of a God is a far cry from proving the veracity of Christianity. You're not the only religion with a monotheistic God honey.

If I died tomorrow, and God said "hey, you had it wrong this whole time" I'd be ok with that. But until that happens, no one's gonna know for sure, and really there's an equal chance of the same happening to you. As far as the actual teachings of true biblical christianity...my sexual orientation would be a lot less important if we went back to the intent of the message. Jesus specified which two commandments were the most important; I'll take my cue from that thank you.

2007-02-17 09:11:23 · answer #2 · answered by Atropis 5 · 0 1

I read most of the answers before I wrote this response and I must say that most of these people are ignorant to their own shame. Gay and Christian? That you need to study the Bible more? How would God appreciate you following His Word blindly? Does each new generation get dumber or were they born stupid and are just now having relapses? There is nothing wrong with most of the respondents to this question that a brain transplant wouldn't cure. Were you people always this stupid? Get this straight once and for all- if you are gay, lesbian, heterosexual and an adulterer, a child molestor, etc., etc.,- you WILL NOT ENTER INTO GOD'S KINGDOM- PERIOD. I don't care how much you feel offended, I don't care what your twisted interpretation of the Word is, I don't care if ten billion people agree with you- if you do any of these things and die in your sins, you will suffer eternal torment and seperation from God. Believing anything to the contrary is not going to change this FACT. Wanting to believe anything different is not going to change this FACT. And don't bother responding with that usual "Oh, you're spewing hatred" crap- I am unaffected by it. If you want to accuse me of "hate" because I tell you the way it is, then understand this- you are accusing God Himself of being hateful because it was God who inspired his apostles to write these things so that people like you can't say to Him in that Day, "But, Lord-nobody warned us. Nobody explained it to us. We thought that you just loved EVERYBODY no matter what nauseating state of sin they chose to make as their lifestyle." And it is a chosen lifestyle. Why would God "make" somebody like that knowing that He would be contradicting His own Word when He said that those who practice such things shall never enter into His Kingdom? Get real. And while your at it get a brain. As it is for most of you people who responded to this question, if a bird had your brains they would fly backwards. Get a life.

2007-02-25 00:29:18 · answer #3 · answered by 4everamusedw/humanity 2 · 1 1

I hate to be the one to break this too you, but as there are many straight persons who are not Christians, there are also many gay persons who are.

I am not a Christian, but I have studied Christianity. I have chosen not to follow it's path, and God and I are okay.

I have a question for you...

If you believe in the bible so much, why have you not studied it? Why have you not questioned Christianity? Because while Christians should follow the bible, I doubt that God would appreciate them following something so blindly.

2007-02-17 07:48:47 · answer #4 · answered by IamBatman 4 · 0 1

what makes you think christianity and homosexuality are mutually exclusive? of course many gay people have a faith in god and christ. god cares about all his creation. everyone needs help in learning to live a better way; that 'better' way does not mean denying who we are, who we love, and how god made us. the western church HAS fallen away from the teachings of christ, and none of those teachings (that are recorded) deal with the issue of homosexuality. it's a pet issue of the religious right, but is not one that jesus even mentioned, as far as any of us know. i believe he addressed the important issues: pride, love of money, hatred, hypocrisy, ignoring the needs of the poor. interesting that he left homosexuality off his list. hmmm...

2007-02-17 07:52:32 · answer #5 · answered by babycakes 3 · 1 1

Well that's a little bit of a confusing question and i don't need religion to know that God loves me and all His children becasuse religion is a human thing and I'm more into spirituality but if He wanted me to reteach or relearn I would do as He asked because I would not defy Him in anyway or form but He wouldn't want me to change because He gave us free will if you're asking if I would turn straight if he wanted me to

2007-02-17 07:54:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

being a christian is having an intimate relationship with God. im not pro-lesbian and pro-gay and im also a christian but i know some who are gay / lesbian far better than christians. also, we really don't know what's inside their hearts and we don't have the right to judge them. of course most them know what they are doing is wrong. but it's up to them. because God gave us self control. you can read it in galatians 5:22. all they have to do is to submit their selves to God and trust God that He can help them change.

2007-02-25 01:46:04 · answer #7 · answered by anonymousme11 1 · 0 1

Hell, if I was straight or gay, and God proved his existence unequivocally, I'd convert. That's kind of the point - there's still nothing that swings the preponderance of the evidence to believing in God as it stands for me.

2007-02-17 07:52:02 · answer #8 · answered by Doc Occam 7 · 0 1

I don't have to convert. I have the best of two worlds. I'm a lesbian Christian. God loves me just the way I am. God created me and God does not make any junk.

2007-02-17 10:25:08 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 1 2

Why your wondering that sort of nonsense, I'm still kind of wondering this-
What world do you live in, to think just because someone is gay that they can not also be a christian?

And that job is already been filled. (Long before you were even a twinkle in the sky)

2007-02-23 20:11:15 · answer #10 · answered by Bluelady... 7 · 0 1

so, in the end, you are saying that if you believe in God, you MUST be Christian???? you need to study more, get out more, get off the computer, and get a life. You will be amazed that there are those out there who believe in a god and are not Christian in any way, shape, or form.

2007-02-17 07:46:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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