It would be perfectly fine. Why should you have to put up with a condition you're not comfortable with just because your male? Foundations are made to blend perfectly with your own skin tone, so no one will have to know you're even wearing it. Just make sure you buy a good quality makeup. Also, don't just cover the marks,(the makeup will show for sure then), blend it over your entire face and neck. Have someone who knows the tricks of the trade show you how to apply it.
2007-02-17 05:55:00
answer #1
answered by LolaCorolla 7
Of course it's OK. I think they make a special make up for scars called something like Cover Mark.
2007-02-17 05:52:12
answer #2
answered by Brenda P 5
i haven't tried that yet, bro! So tell me how it goes.
As for the zits. My biology teacher said to get vitamin e capsules at your local drug store. Cut it in half and dab some of it on your zit marks. The vitamin E will fade them in time. Just be careful of the sun and wear sun tan lotion.
2007-02-17 05:48:57
answer #3
answered by Jerome M 1
Go ahead, you will be taking alot of pictures. And this is a night to remember. So cover them up with a little foundation and be confident.
2016-05-23 23:01:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
This is a free country with lots of different types of people, so use it if you want to. That said, don't be surprised if some people think you are sending a certain type of message by using make up. If you are confident in who you are, then do what you want.
2007-02-17 05:53:34
answer #5
answered by Iamstitch2U 6
I don't see a problem with guys wearing makeup. Just don't let other guys know that you are, because it could potentially get you beaten up. Men are apes, and what they do not understand, they kill.
So yeah, I don't think there is a problem with a boy wearing makeup. Just get the right skin color.
2007-02-17 05:49:37
answer #6
answered by C.B. 4
Ive herd of many of men using foundation especially the ones that are on TV. just remember if you do try to make sure it looks like your not wearing it.
2007-02-17 07:48:48
answer #7
answered by GOD Rocks 2
Not a good idea because someone may notice and tease you.
I'm a middle aged woman and when I was a teenager there was an acne product called "Clearisil" sp?. It had a bit of a coloring in it.
2007-02-17 05:53:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't say that;s socially acceptable for men to wear make-up, but if that's what you need to do to feel OK, them go for it. If you're self-conscious about it, then just don't let anyone else know, and don't apply it very thick so you can't see that it's all caked on there.
2007-02-17 05:50:01
answer #9
answered by Moon 3
Yeah sure you can wear it but like most everyone else said don't let the guys know you are and make sure you rub it in well so its not streaky
2007-02-17 05:52:37
answer #10
answered by miss_piggy_pc13 1