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and what they stand for? Like neo conservatives, social liberals etc etc...

2007-02-17 04:35:29 · 3 answers · asked by dudeman612 6 in Politics & Government Politics

3 answers

Generally speaking......Democratic Party embraces the concept that government can & should handle any necessary social problems & ensure that the "little guy" gets his due. Tend to be a bit more liberal toward law & order issues. Government is good, more government is better !!

Republicans tend to favor the concept of government only handling those things that can't be managed on the open market w private business being the favored child based on the belief that if business prospers, then they provide more & better jobs. Somewhat less lenient on law & order issues. Less government is good.

Libertarians believe the government has nasically little or no reason to be involved in their lives at all, & favor fewer laws , rules, & government interference.


2007-02-18 19:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by SantaBud 6 · 0 0

There are so many, those two are not the only choices

The difference

Size of government spending on social programs::

Neocons: Small, Corporations individulas and charities have a role, though.
Social Liberals: Big, the government should take over most aspects of social wefare.

Role of government in regulating human social behavior: (gay marriage, drug use)

Neocons: Big againts counter culture.
Social Liberals: Small, may not support the counter culture but not take a hard line either.

The role of Government in the world and and the national security

Neocons: Should protect the homeland even if it means striking first. Protecting are interests above all others.

Social Liberals: Should protect the homeland by forging more positive alliances in the world, Even if all they are is window dressing.

2007-02-17 05:05:26 · answer #2 · answered by Vultureman 6 · 1 0

The Liberals argue that they are the greater valuable knowledgeable, and that they had be top with reference to the kind of hours they sat in a lecture room, yet there are all styles of techniques for a individual to earnings intelligence, formal training is barely one in each of them. My final boss has a Pilot's license, holds an working engineer's certification, that's what you're able to function the massive cranes that build skyscrapers, He has an Aluminum AND glass contractor's licenses in Florida (that's how i know him) and jointly as he has a very heavy Spanish accessory (Ecuadoran) his vocabulary and grammar are in many techniques greater valuable than mine. in short, he's between the neatest human beings i know, and he has NO college. Who would wager that between Obama and Bush, it may be Bush who's economic numbers lots greater heavily resembles Clinton's and you will say what you like approximately Clinton, the economic device became into respectable under him. despite the fact that he became into busy pulling the pins out of a basket crammed with hand grenades to bypass to his successor, which became out to be Bush, that's glaring that Clinton knew the timer became into no longer set to bypass off till six or seven years in, only in case Algor had won. .

2016-11-23 15:03:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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