A guy friend of mine picked up a pair of panties in PacSun today while I was looking at shoes, and dared me to wear them if he bought them... so being crazy as I am, and refusing to back down, I accepted his challenge. They're white panties with tattoo style designs on them (a "Sailor Jerry" style bluebird tattoo on the hip, and another bluebird with a banner that says "CUTIE" on the butt). Actually, here's a link:
When I put them on, they fit rather well, with some adjustment for male differences of course. I also prefer to keep myself shaved down there, so that's wasn't a problem. I came out in nothing but the panties, everyone laughed, and I fulfilled the dare... but I almost didn't want to take them off, because I thought it was sort of sexy. Any thoughts, girls? This is not a joke...
11 answers
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Beauty & Style
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Just to clarify, yeah, I thought it was pretty funny too! But I somehow found them rather comfortable, and wondered if there were any girls that would find it sexy in some strange way. I realize that it's odd, most definitely.
Why are guys answering this question? Haha, whatever.
18:48:35 ·
update #1