I like her new look better. She looks more sophisticated. In the other photo she looks like all the other solo female pop singers when she first came out. I didn't fancy her dirty look so much, that stage when she got all the facial piercings and ratty looking clothes.
2007-02-16 16:33:14
answer #1
answered by Andrea 6
With a large type of stars, their makeup artists tend to cake on the makeup and that's each and every of the regularly occurring public sees. Beyonce isn't possibly stable to study with Christina, simply by fact they have a tendency to maintain Beyonce's organic elegance, particularly than cover it up.
2016-10-02 06:54:21
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Her old look in the given photo is very 90s, the new photo is very now so out of those I'd go the 'new' look.
I think her fashion sense is cool - she runs with what she likes so I've liked her since she did "Stripped" (Genie in a bottle was waaaay too commercial for me).
2007-02-16 16:33:50
answer #3
answered by purplebuggy 5
I like her old look.It is nice to be more mature looking,but I like the young and sexy look and save the Gretta Garbo(which I am crazy about Gretta Garbo)look for her husband or private outing on occassion.She is just so sexy the young hot way.
2007-02-16 16:44:35
answer #4
answered by zaggittier 4
I am having trouble with the new look being too plastic. She looked so exotic before! Now she looks 20 years older because of the retro do and clothes. I particularly dislike the sailor outfits on her.
2007-02-16 16:32:28
answer #5
answered by whrldpz 7
Old Look
2007-02-16 16:30:01
answer #6
answered by Cayritaa 2
I liked her Stripped days with black hair the best, but thats just my opinion. But out of those pictures I like her both ways. She changes and I love that!
2007-02-19 07:59:43
answer #7
answered by KATiE 1
New look definitaley.. she looks like, Marilyn Monroe, Modonna, Gwen Stefani... etc.
2007-02-16 16:35:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you pictures dont really depict a good visual for what her old and new looks are because i dont think they really match well. Her old look was alot more slutty and whoreish and her new look is very classic. I like her new look becuase you can tell she is a very strong and confident woman.
2007-02-16 16:33:30
answer #9
answered by moviebuff 4
she was far prettier when she first got famous.. and then she got trashy.. and now she's doing her "i'm from the 20's thing." she's really ugly now. and most people haven't seen her terrible bow legs and the fact she's really small. she must be like 4' 11"
2007-02-16 16:30:21
answer #10
answered by some_one1234 4