Just say lets skip dinner and make love.
2007-02-16 14:18:00
answer #1
answered by Hi 7
Of course! Its only one meal. As long as its not poisioned with rat bait then keep your lips sealed. If you wanted a partner that was a great chef then you should have put an ad out in Food Magazine. I'm sure your partner has great qualities other then preparing food. If you complain, don't expect them do ever do anything nice again!
2007-02-16 14:19:32
answer #2
answered by 112 4
I wouldn't say it was delicious but I would say thank you so much for making this! And if they said is it ok? I would say sure!
If they talked about making it again a few days/weeks later, I'd just ask for something else.
2007-02-16 14:19:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would probably limit myself to what I ate, and tell how wonderful it was for him to make me a special dinner. But, for some reason something just doesn't taste right. I wouldn't want to be dishonest and say how good it was, because he might get the idea to make it again, and again.
2007-02-16 14:22:25
answer #4
answered by sassy_395 4
I'd be totally honest, and tell him: dude, good try, but not good enough i'm afraid, then i'd pop the already-made pixxas into the oven and stuff his cooking in the bean. What's the point in lying, really? What sort of a relationship could it form?
2007-02-16 22:33:55
answer #5
answered by Off-with-their-heads! 2
Its never been disgusting but still not delicious!!
but I always say it was so nice & thank him very much for cooking it for me
so now you know I'm not mean haha
2007-02-16 14:29:26
answer #6
answered by ausblue 7
well talk about experience, my husband did go through the trouble on his first attempt years ago,, i tried it and he could see by my face i did not like it, i gently told him what i thought, and how much i appreciated all the effort, we gave a peice of the dinner to the dog and when he turned his nose and walked away, well it was to funny, we laughed about it and we ended up cooking another meal together that night he cooked i coached and chopped, turned out to be a real fun night, now my husband is a great cook .....he made me lasagnia
2007-02-16 14:21:49
answer #7
answered by dragonfly2dreams 3
yikes. Well. I guess if I could stomach school cafeteria food many years ago I can stomach a bad meal from my significant other.
P.S. So glad my husband is a better cook than I am.
2007-02-16 14:19:58
answer #8
answered by susany0828 1
I'd just say its delicious. Its the thought that he cooked for me, thats enough.
2007-02-16 14:26:07
answer #9
answered by Meeya 7
Yes but would wash it down with lots of white wine!
2007-02-19 08:31:36
answer #10
answered by welcome2whereyouare 4
I would say, Honey that is really sweet you did that but next time we should cook it together. I had my heart set on going out tonight for pizza or something.
2007-02-16 14:18:48
answer #11
answered by ehrlich 6