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Has anyone seen Flyboys? I just rented it, what do you think. I thought the movie was great. And the guys are not bad looking either.

2007-02-16 13:14:43 · 4 answers · asked by Teslajuliet 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

4 answers

I've seen it before. It is an amazing movie. I love the romance between Rawlings and Lucienne but, the action-packed stuff was great also!! It has its moments of joy and other moments of sorrow. It is inspirational. Plus, I thought James Franco looked grrrrreat in that blue pilot uniform. ;)

2007-02-18 13:08:13 · answer #1 · answered by jbird 3 · 0 0

I watched it last night...wasn't really impressed. The story is very loosely based on the true story of Americans flying for the Lafayette Escadrille in France prior to the USA entering WWI. The lion named Whiskey really lived there and was their mascot for instance. They were going more for action and adventure rather than actually telling the true stories of these men. Then again if that is what you are after then you might like the movie.

2007-02-16 21:25:18 · answer #2 · answered by gleemonex4pets 2 · 0 0

it was ok. typical Hollywood movie that had more action than decent plot. i wanted it to get more into the characters but every other scene they were fighting someone. it was really depressing he never met up with that girl, but that's actually quite unhollywood-like..(lol. that's not even a word)

so all in all..entertaining for what it was. but i saw it on the plane :) wouldn't wanna pay money for it.

2007-02-17 00:09:22 · answer #3 · answered by reemsh_2003 3 · 0 0

I liked it.

2007-02-16 21:22:39 · answer #4 · answered by retrodragonfly 7 · 1 0

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