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why not

2007-02-16 12:49:39 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

Yes it makes sense. Because I said so.

2007-02-16 12:52:18 · answer #1 · answered by Hi 7 · 2 2

Why sure it makes sense. You have a right to disagree with the way the war is going. And you have a right to support the troops. I see no conflect in that at all. I myself am a 25 year Marine retiree and I fully support all our troops,,,however, I do not think that the Bush Admin thought this plan through very much. We are there for a long time coming and I don't like that,,but,,I will support those troops 100% no matter how long they are there.

2007-02-16 12:58:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It depends on how & why you disagree with the war. Those who want us to lose are not supporting our troops. Those who want to cut off funding are not supporting our troops. Those who criticize the way the war has been fought can still be supporting our troops. Those who think Iraq was the wrong target can still be supporting our troops. Only you can know if your disagreement with the war is compatible with sopport for our troops. Unfortunately, many people seem to lack either the intellect or the integrity to see the differences. Since you have asked a reasonable question, I assume you are not 1 of them.

2007-02-16 13:16:14 · answer #3 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 0

It makes sense, though I am one of the people who support the war as well. Why? some may ask. I say, Others start wars, we finish them. Also, Saddam had to be taken out of power because he welcomed terrorists into his country, was killing thousands of innocent people, Iraq is unstable in several areas and needs troops and all the help they can get (not from the gov of Iran) and we just can't leave it otherwise the whole middle east may erupt into a Sunni vs Shia vs Israel war. Then it will most likely spread from there to other parts of the world. I am not saying all Sunnis and Shias are enemies, but many do not get along.

2007-02-16 13:19:20 · answer #4 · answered by Chase 5 · 0 0

I support the troops and disagree with the war. I support the troops by wanting to end the war and bring them home safe and sound. I don't like what Bush is doing with them by making them pawns for the oil corporations. Our military was never set up for the interest of private corporations profits.
BTW, I also this whole 'support the troops' issue is a bunch of neo-con jingoism to try to divide people in this country. It's also something they use to distract from the real issues.

2007-02-16 12:53:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0


Contrary to popular belief, many people sign up for the war NOT to "support their country". While that may be a factor, many people sign up to prove manhood, be a part of a special bond, do SOMETHING with their lives, college, etc.

I think that anybody signing up for this war is very brave and maybe even desperate for an opportunity. Supporting the troops in their quest for a LIFE (which is sick to think about, getting a life through war) is not wrong.

2007-02-16 12:59:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I support our troops has become America’s new catch phrase. It has been repeated so many times that it seems as though those who say it are truly compassionate about our troops. What does it mean, “Support our troops”? Does it mean you support them financially? No, the money you spend buying a sticker or magnet that says I support our troops goes to the brilliant capitalist that is marketing to this whole phenomenon. Does it mean you support their cause? No, the majority of people in this country have forgotten why we are at war, and no longer support it. I Support our troops has become an empty phrase with no real meaning.
Is it reasonable to say we can support our troops without supporting their cause, or their commander and chief? No, in Nazi Germany many of the German troops did not believe in Hitler’s mission to wipeout the Jews, but they were in an army that commanded them to, so they followed orders, just as American soldiers are following their orders. The whole German campaign was a terrible tragedy, and all of the Nazis who participated in the slaughtering of the Jews were evil people. So if you believe this blood for oil nonsense, and have forgotten why we are in a war on terrorism you do not support our troops. You might as well grow out your hair, buy a VW bus, light up your next joint, and spit on every person in the armed forces.
Has everyone forgotten why we are at war? Well let me remind you. On September 11, 2001 our nation was attacked by faceless cowards, people who hate America because of our success and freedom. There is an entire culture who wants to see America destroyed. These people need to be found and destroyed before they attack more innocent people. The attack on America was not against our military or government, but against innocent people, our average citizens. They deserve every bit of what they are getting. IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!

2007-02-16 13:36:36 · answer #7 · answered by Guess Who 1 · 0 1

You don't have to support the war, but you can still support the troops. Why? Because those are people out there fighting for a war that shouldnt be happening. Risking their lives every day, and they have families to come back to, and some haven't been able to do that.

2007-02-16 12:52:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

absolutely i am against the war also but support our troops i have 3 family members there my big brother a cousin and his dad my uncle they all feel as though they are not there for any reason than a grudge especially seance my brothers orders were up months ago and he still can't return home his beautiful daughter has never met him for that reason she's now 6 months old they support my opposing to this unjust war and wish nothing more to return home to there lives so i totally understand i support them with all my heart and all i want is all the soldiers safe return as soon as possible especially because we won't gain anything form "winning" this war or should i say occupation

2007-02-16 13:55:26 · answer #9 · answered by auntie s 4 · 0 0

I don't support the war but I support the troops because most of them only joined to support their family. Alot of people join thinking that they want have to go to war. I know I did. I thought the only way I could make it was in the military, but I was so wrong.

2007-02-16 12:57:57 · answer #10 · answered by Portia P 3 · 1 0


I agree with the war and support our Troops.

I can also see Supporting our Troops and not the War.

I am old enough to remember Viet Nam and young enough to remember all of the excursions since then.

I have Cousins and Nephews in Iraq right now!

If we agree or disagree the Support from you (us) is the STRONG POINT for these Men and Women!

2007-02-16 13:19:41 · answer #11 · answered by LN has3 zjc 4 · 1 0

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