Well, no one CAN know besides the manga-ka since he's only just died, but I suspect we'll learn more about Akatsuki's leader and their "World Domination" scheme. Also, the clock's ticking on Sasuke, and since we get a glance at him again, my money's on them finally reaching a conclusion with the whole Orochimaru/Sasuke vs. Team 7 before Orochimaru tries the immortality jutsu on Gay Sauce (or Sauce Gay). I for one think that Sauce is too powerful for orochi to just control and steal his body, as he still has yet to kill Itachi, and that's not at the top of old snake-man's list.
Also, to comment on the anime: WTF!!!! No one is supposed to know about Yamato and Sai yet, or see Sauce or the other Konoha teams for several episodes, and the opening ruins that!!!
2007-02-16 12:06:51
answer #1
answered by MJPM 2
Hidan is his partner in harassing the Leaf village, I think Kakuzu's going away is best for Hidan, who hated Kakuzu (è§é½, which means Atler/Horn and capital).
My opinion, it is good that this ugly man is dead and gone for all time, could you stand having this sort of maniac around, Kakuzu is hideous, full of bloodlust and extremely sinister.
I disdain him for his outrageous temper and fiery way of combating others. A man does not prove superior with just brute strength.
Kakuzu's rashness could endanger Akatsuki's plan and unfoil their cunning, since he's pretty much reasons and acts like a bull that saw red.
Can't compare this ugly being with guys like Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka.
2007-02-16 23:27:45
answer #2
answered by Kaien かいえん 4
now they all go home, becauSe tHat's what nInja do. oKAy, welL, i suppOse that would'VE been it, but there'S a message hIddeN in the letters that's pretty easy tO find. if you can't find it then you suck. they're goin' after hidan next.
2007-02-16 22:37:53
answer #3
answered by sasukexsakura4ever 2