Don't pay any attention to the ridiculous posts prior to this one. I am a Kennedy assassination scholar. I have taught about this crime for twenty years. I have read more on this topic than anyone that will be answering this question. The reason why it is important that Oswald be held responsible for the murder of JFK, is because he is the one that did it. Here is a summary list of the evidence against Oswald.
1. JFK traveled to Dallas to drum up support for his 1964 bid for reelection.
2. Texas Governor John Connally rode with the President and both of their wives in the presidential limo along with two secret service agents (Greer and Kellerman)
3. Just as the car passed in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository three shots rang out.
4. The first shot appeared to miss the car, ricochet off the asphalt, and struck a curb at the feet of James Tague, knocking a piece of concrete against his cheek--leaving a cut.
5. The second bullet passed through Kennedy's upper back-lower neck, emerged virtually undamaged, and continued to strike Governor Connally in the back (Connally was sitting directly in front of Kennedy at the time.)
6. Connally suffered five wounds to his body but was not killed.
7. The third bullet struck Kennedy in the back of the head, killing him.
8. One empolyee of the TSBD, Lee Harvey Oswald, had a mountain of evidence against him. As of today's date no other person has ANY evidence against them. You will notice that the answers before mine and all those follow after will NEVER, EVER name a person that killed Kennedy. Many like to believe that Oswald was not guilty but they will NEVER, EVER give a name of any other person that could have done it because they DON'T of anyone else that the evidence points to. It is a simple as that.
9. Lee Harvey Oswald was witnessed carrying a suspicious long brown paper package into work with him THE MORNING OF THE ASSASSINATION. Oswald told a coworker that it contained curtain rode--however after the assassination, NO CURTAIN RODS were found anywhere in the building. And Oswald (who was witnessed leaving the building 90 seconds after the assassination) was not carrying any curtain rods. However a rifle, that was matched to Oswald WAS found in the building, on the same floor the shots were fired from. The rifle had Oswald's palm prints on it and NO ONE ELSE'S.
10. Oswald was the ONLY employee to not return to work for the afternoon shift following the assassination.
11. Oswald caught a bus and attempted to flee the scene but the bus bogged down in a traffic jam so he jumped from the bus and hailed a cab.
12. Oswald then asked the cab driver to drop him off 4 blocks PAST where he lived. He then walked BACK to his apartment, got a loaded .38 revolver and fled his boarding house.
13. Oswald was next approached by Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit who asked Oswald some questions, since he matched the description given by people at the assassination of the gunman seen firing at the President.
14. When Oswald was asked these questions, he suddenly pulled out his revolver and shot and killed Officer Tippit in cold blood.
15. Oswald then fled and ducked into a theater without paying when he heard police cars pass nearby. When police were called about the suspicious character in the Texas Theater and tried to ask him a few questions, he jumped up, slugged a police officer in the jaw, pulled out his revolver, and tried to shoot Officer Nick McDonald, but his gun misfired.
16. When Kennedy's autopsy was conducted it revealed that ALL shots--ALL shots that struck Kennedy hit him from above and behind (Oswald's location.) There is not ons speck of evidence that anyone else was involved in the assassination.
I hope you noticed that the "experts" before me never provided the name of another gunman. Why not? They don't have a single speck of evidence that points to any other gunman. No one does. People simple like to believe in conspiracies, but ask them for evidence and they will lower their heads and walk away.
The evidence against Oswald is OVERWHELMING. There is no doubt in any well-read historian's mind as to who killed JFK. Those who haven't read a great deal or those who prefer to get their history from Hollywood, like the scholar above who told you to watch the movie JFK, don't really mave much understanding of the real evidence in the case. If you want ANY questions answered, and I mean ANY question about the Kennedy assassination I will be happy to answer them. Simply contact me through my e-mail address on my Yahoo-Answers profile. In fact I will anser ANYONE's questions about the Kennedy assassination. However, be warned, I know my stuff and your conspiracy theories won't float long once I attack them.
PS: Now several hours later please note that NONE of the posters after me offered any names of who allegedly did this. Why not? They know that no evidence points to anyone besides Oswald. They can hint, and alude all they want but not one of then offered any evidence (like I did) and none of them have any names to add to the investigation.
2007-02-16 11:16:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Its important, so the official version and the "Warren Report" remain as the only truth in the greatest crime conspiracy that has taken place in the USA.
There is too much evidence that shows the participation of other shooters in Dallas that sad day and how Oswald was just a scapegoat so the new government could hurriedly close the case.
Finally we have something the conspirators did not count on.....the great possibility of Bobby Kennedy being president and sure enough, a full and honest investigation over his brother´s death, once he got into the White House.
So they had to make one more decision. Bobby had to be taken out of the picture and.................. they took care of it..
If the few coincidences mentioned here had taken place in a common everyday assassination, a deeper investigation would have taken place. Nevertheless many many other strange things happened that day. Like the hospital loosing the brain of president Kennedy, so further future forensic studies could not be made.
Loose the president´s brain?, that has just been assassinated?.
No way "¡¡ IT WAS A CONSPIRACY !!".
Being many of the conspirators still alive, they must try to mantain the lie, attacking all arguments and reasoning against the OFFICIAL VERSION.
You will hear from them, take my word.
2007-02-16 11:57:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Besides the importance of accuracy of historical events, we had a BIG LESSON to LEARN on the PROTECTION of our Presidents and officials!! NO LONGER are they permitted open access in cars--and are given as much protection as possible and still not isolate him and officials from the public, not only for their lives, alone, but for the COUNTRY! The sudden death of a President throws the people/country into chaos, great fear of greater conspiracies and disasters--let alone of great grief!! It was also important to track down if there were others in the plans; other countries involved or mafia involved to help prevent future assassinations. Same with Sirhan Sirhan's assassination of Robert Kennedy! The "lone gunman" theory doesn't satisfy everybody as an explanation.
2007-02-16 15:33:21
answer #3
answered by Martell 7
Oswald was a patsy that took the fall there were bullits from all directions ,the orders were coming from the car behind .check where the security was when the shooting ocured it was with drawn
those in control of security aranged the killing
the same happened to the Austrian prince and lincoln
all identical executions and in all cases the security took a step back ,this is Illuminati style
Ford was frantically on the phone as the shooting took place .
there is alot of info on the web check David Icke ,on www.infowars
2007-02-16 10:46:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Anyone who believes the 'Magic' bullet theory is living in a Fairy Tale. I was a Expert with Rifle & Pistol in the US Marines and it is impossible for one bullit to do so much damage. There was then and still is a major cover-up by the US Government and no one will ever know who was really involved in the Assination of President Kennedy in Dallas Texas...Lee Harvey Oswald was exactly what he told the Press he was before he was shot dead...a patsy*
2007-02-16 10:42:30
answer #5
answered by Damian C 1
it's important that oswald killed our president, because that's what our government wants us americans, to think just that.
there is so much more to this story that our own government won't reveal until all who were living at the time, have died. they, the government, stands by the "lone gunman" theory because of the conspiracy theories that are out being our own government wanted and arranged this assassination. so that's why we all should all buy the oswald story.
i hope this helped!
2007-02-16 10:53:34
answer #6
answered by Sandra Dee 5
Mind if I go political and personal on this ?
Watch the 8mm tape shot of his assination. Why was Jackie leaning over and pulling back when they cleared the wall ? Then why did she lean over again in public view ?
I would say it is to re-enforce public perception of JFK. Also, with the Bay of Pigs scandal, extra-marital affairs (see Marilyn Monroe, aka, Norma Jean) and problems with the first lady would hurt our image during the most tense moments of the cold war.
Basically, our national identity was at stake.
If it was not him, then we Americans had problems that would make us look bad to the world.
Wish I could give you a better answer but do believe he was a scapegoat.
2007-02-16 10:45:03
answer #7
answered by Not so Fast 2
<> You look to forget that it really is YOU adult adult males who're "skeptics". also humorous that there particularly is a correlation between believing that Obama replaced into born in Kenya and disbelieving global warming--you imagine it really is us that has chatracteristics you adult adult males have.
2016-11-03 21:18:18
answer #8
answered by canevazzi 4
The government investigation said that is who did it. If you say someone else did, then there must be a conspiracy covering up the facts and it must be high levels of government covering this up.
2007-02-16 10:56:17
answer #9
answered by redunicorn 7
I think it's always important to find out who murdered someone, don't you?
2007-02-16 10:38:42
answer #10
answered by Moxie Crimefighter 6