Okay, I'm a major girly girl, and I ask my self that alot. It usually depends on my mood, so if I'm feeling flirty, I wear a mini skirt, wedges and a nice tank top with a little zip up hoodie half zipped. If I'm feelin' sporty, I usually wear pants(not jeans) with a t-shirt and my hair pulled into a pony tail, if I'm feelin' rebelious or want to talk but not feelin' my happiest, I wear jeans and a hoodie.
I also woould wear some acessories like earings. Phew! I think I told you my life's story!(just kidding!)
2007-02-16 10:38:22
answer #1
answered by Selleniah 3
Honey the absolute worst thing for you to do is to try to work this out while trying to stay true to the tight regime of religion. I'm sort of in the same boat as you in a way. I don't feel guilty about what I feel because I've learned that nothing I do can change how I feel. However when I try to go to church... it's THEN that I feel that I don't belong. That something is wrong with me. So I quit going because I cannot change what's inside me. I've tried since /I/ hit puberty. I'm 26 almost 27 now. No amount of praying, repenting, etc took away how I felt when I looked at another woman. None of them took away the feelings that I felt about the friend I experimented with when I was growing up. You need to find a church that is gay-friendly. One that doesn't believe that being gay is wrong. I personally don't believe it is and there are many many others who don't believe it's wrong either. Homosexuality happens in nature... in animals... all the time. Is it not natural then and therefore -not- something of the devil? I doubt Satan sends his demons out to make dogs and cats, deer and tigers to have homosexual feelings. I'm not saying you should put asside your religion. By all means no. However it won't help you to resolve all these things you're feeling. The only way to do that is like others above have said. You have to experiment and let yourself try things out. It's the only way to know for sure what is really going on inside of your own heart and soul. Always use protection though weather you're with a male or a female. Always be safe. I myself am just too shy to do the experimenting that /I/ still need to do to know weather or not I'm actually lesbian or if I've just not been with a guy yet that knows how to make /me/ feel good. I really don't know myself even, but that's all I know of to tell you. It's what I know I need to do but I'm just too shy and self-conscious to do it so far. I have, however, had my first lesbian date... and I felt SO comfortable with her, even though she wasn't the right one. I didn't feel pressured like every single straight date I've been on... it's just wonderful to be able to simply just breathe and get to know someone without all that discomfort. Try it. Take the leap and just go with what feels -right- in your heart. Not in your mind. My best, sweetie! And I go by Crystaltears83. If you wanna look me up sometime and chat with me, while the gay community is different in a lot of ways from the lesbian community, you're very welcome to talk to me anyway because I do understand what you're going through. I was raised pentecostal and believe me when I tell you I totally understaind. I use gmail too so you can just get ahold of me there if you want to.
2016-05-24 07:54:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
depends on what kind of look you're going for . You could wear one of the button down shirts adn button it down as far as it goes ( pick a color that goes with blue) then wear your low cut blue shirt
2007-02-16 10:40:15
answer #3
answered by ilovesoftballsofreakingmuch 2
wear one of those low cut shirts that have stripes or sumthin from hollister ae or abercrombie n some tight jeans + well im in florida so gulz wear sandals.... With that u b lookin sexi lol
2007-02-16 10:39:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I say jeans, a button down shirt with a tank top under, and button it half way!
2007-02-16 10:38:17
answer #5
answered by meeeeeeeee 3
hmm well we cant exactly help you if we dont know where u are going tonite...are u going out with the girls? going to a game? to the mall? to dinner?
2007-02-16 10:37:27
answer #6
answered by Dani A. 2
where are you going? it sounds fine to me! except the shoes!! try heals
2007-02-16 10:36:24
answer #7
answered by Christine 3
You should be in bed, it's 11.30! Oh, are you in a different time zone to me.....I feel silly now....
2007-02-16 10:33:43
answer #8
answered by Rachael H 5
a dress a shkrit ?
2007-02-16 10:51:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
wear clothes.
2007-02-16 10:36:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous