because the arabs found out that the egyptians tasted like chicken.
2007-02-16 11:12:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Nancy Kay is right. The original ancient Egyptian *culture* passed away over time, and it was replaced by succeeding cultures, but *biologically* (ethnically, ethnographically), the descendants of the original ancient Egyptians are still in Egypt, and also elsewhere around the Middle East, and elsewhere around the world, because populations naturally spread and mingle over time. Also, current Egyptians have ancestors from the Arabian Peninsula (the original "Arabs"), and also from Greece and Rome (because Egypt was a Greek colony and then a Roman colony), and also from the rest of the Middle East, and around the world, because populations naturally spread and mingle over time.
2007-02-16 10:30:55
answer #2
answered by Jonathan C 1
Your first statement is a bit problematic, but (very inequitable) Muslim laws on marriage mean the Christian population (Copts) are the closest descendants of the Ancient Egyptians. An example is Boutros Ghali the former UN Sec-Gen. Incidentally, a look at him will settle the question whether the Ancient Egyptians were black or not.
2007-02-16 17:24:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Egypt was nearly barren for hundreds of years mind a few bedouin. The remaining artifacts of Ancient Egypt display approximately six different ethnic groups, all of whom ruled at one time or another. They were predominantly black through most of the kingdoms, but in the last 1000 years more Semitic looking people are noted in the artistic renderings. It's beleived that at the end of the Empire the Romans drove the remaning population out, and many of them fled to Ethiopia.
Interestingly, there are several ethnic groups in Ethiopia, some more caucasian than others, and you also have the Lemba, who are direct descendents of African/Egytpian Hebrews of ancient times who were converted to Judiasm when they were rediscovered as a people.
2007-02-16 21:00:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Egypt's New Kingdom ended with its being conquered by the Assyrians and Persians. Then, as someone above said, the Greeks and Romans ruled Egypt. Finally, the Muslim empires that sprung up took it over.
It's not that they "disappeared." They just mixed in with the groups that took it over.
And Egyptians are considered "Arab."
2007-02-16 11:29:39
answer #5
answered by Monc 6
Egyptians aren't white and whites arent Egyptian, so why do all movies about the Eygptian Empire depict them as white people. Since Egypt is in Northern Africa, why are they Egyptian the rest of Africa are Africans?
2007-02-16 11:01:18
answer #6
answered by BionicNahlege 5
Arabs are not Egyptians? Of course they are. Arabs are not the descendants of ancient Egyptians, that's for sure. But who cares?
2007-02-16 10:24:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
in cutting-part situations we've been residing with this concept of "race" - that the human race is split up into those tremendous sorts of "whites," "blacks," and "Asians" - for lengthy adequate that we take it with no interest. in reality, it really is a cutting-part invention of 19th-century pseudoscience. no human being had heard of "whites" and "blacks" in the historic global and, in reality, genetics do no longer help classifying human beings this way. Europe, Africa, and different aspects of the global are easily divided right into a lot more desirable gene swimming pools than that, and a number of the global's gene swimming pools pass decrease and overlap between areas inspite of the only variable of epidermis colour. the point being that once human beings debate no matter if the historic Egyptians were "black" or "white," that's form of like debating no matter if cheese is fantasy or technological know-how fiction - the numerous sorts only do not follow actually and the talk does no longer advise something. historic Egyptians had no theory of "race." in addition they had no theory of "Africa," a theory invented by technique of the Greeks. They did, for sure, have a experience of their being different peoples in the global and they talked about that different peoples regarded different from one yet another. They talked about that individuals residing to the south of them were darker-skinned and individuals to the north of them were lighter-skinned. Being about as ethnocentric as all and sundry else, they concluded that they were "perfect." Their artwork reflects this; they instruct northern outsiders as diminished-coloured, southern outsiders as ebony-coloured, and themselves as copper-coloured. briefly, they were no longer "white." They were no longer "black" both. They were only... Egyptian. As for historic Egyptians vs. cutting-part Egyptians; there is no reason to doubt that the similar old rule of thumb about migrations applies the following, that no more desirable than 10% of a inhabitants emigrates from everywhere and immigrants infrequently upload as a lot as more desirable than 10% of the inhabitants the position they settle. cutting-part Egyptians might want to have come to speak Arabic, yet genetically they're no more desirable than 10% Arabian. an identical might want to be stated of the different ethnicity (at the same time with the Nubians) which have arrived in Egypt. on the precise of the day, upwards of 80% of the ancestors of any given cutting-part Egyptian might want to be historic Egyptians.
2016-11-03 21:17:14
answer #8
answered by canevazzi 4
They were killed or converted to Islam!
2007-02-16 10:25:59
answer #9
answered by Trapped in a Box 6
they took off in their magick rocket ships, with the Mayas and Atlantians
2007-02-16 10:22:03
answer #10
answered by NNY 6