You don't need to become a witch to do these things. We all have the power we don't tap in to. I suggest you read some books in the "New Age" section of the Library. There are great books on contacting your guardian spirit guide, numerology, etc. Try books by Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, let see... Power of the Soul by John Holland, Collette Baron Reid has some good stuff.
Go to They have some great downloads and I love hay house radio shows! You can call in and talk to different psychics and stuff, if your home when the shows are on. I got to talk to Syvlia Browne the other day!
All of these people are very spiritual. The traditional Christian religion is a little off base. You can be very spiritual and love God and still learn to speak to the other side and tap into your psychic powers. Thats why God gave them to you. You just need to learn to meditate.
2007-02-16 10:28:15
answer #1
answered by mschvs_65 4
Honey, if you are worried about things being counted against you at "the big golden gates" forget witchcraft. People who are ignorant and close minded will tell you it is a sin, which is something I have never understood. If we use our knowledge to help people (qand the environment) how could it be a sin? No matter, we don't believe in sin or the devil anyway. We believe in free will and a witch would never do anything to harm someone in any way.
Keep doing what you are doing.
Witches and those who practice witchcraft do not believe in Satan, nor in the Christian God.
To become a witch it takes a lot of study. First to decide which denomination is right for you, then study what it means, what tools you need and exactly what we believe.
Primarily we all follow the rede, and simply put that is Do as you will as long as you harm none. I have been a practicing witch for over 40 years, and trust me, it is not flashy, you don't get any special powers like you see on TV and in the movies. And it does not happen over night.
As far as telekenesis. premonitions or any kind of ESP, well, those have nothing to do with witchcraft, those are abilities that some are born with. I am an empath, that means I feel other peoples emotions. I hate it! Way too much sorrow and pain out there, and it is not easy to turn off.
Keep an open mind and accept that not everyone will believe the same things and that is ok. I will NEVER condemn anyone for what they believe (or don't believe), just wish that everyone would be that way, it would make the world a much nicer place to inhabit.
I know this was really not much of an answer, but if you are happy believing in Gad and the golden gates stick with it. Being a witch is not cool, does not give you any special powers. All it will do is make you a target for condemnation and ridicule. if you still have some interest in witchcraft read books, particularly by Raymond Buckland and Scott Cunningham, but stay away from Silver Ravenwolf, she is a bigoted hypocrit and I think she gives the true witches a worse name than we already have.
2007-02-16 11:06:13
answer #2
answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6
OK are you a Christian or a witch? It's either one or the other. Only one side has the big golden gates. This side believes in something a bit different! Check out basic concepts of a religion, like what it thinks about the afterlife, before you consider it! Neither is right or wrong, just very different in what they believe. What one makes the most sense to you? Telekenesis and premonitions are a whole other thing, too!
2007-02-16 11:51:07
answer #3
answered by Not Your Muse 2
Being a witch is not like what we see on TV. One cannot, with the wave of a hand, turn an annoying person into a frog. The people who claim Witchcraft is evil are misinformed. They have not done serious research into the craft other than to look up what other misinformed authors have written. Witchcraft is not evil. We believe in being good to everyone and having respect for everything. We believe in a God and Goddess, who love you and will not turn you away in the afterlife. If you do something wrong in this life, then what we call Karma will come back to you. You will be punished in one way or another if you do something wrong. But the good thing is that with good things too, you will be rewarded in one way or another too.
People with powers of telekenesis and premonitions have developed these powers (which are naturally occuring in everyone) over lots of training over a long, long period of time, or have this naturally occuring from birth. I would do some research into witchcraft if you are truly interested. It's a beautiful and wonderful path to be on. I love it truly.
2007-02-16 11:33:50
answer #4
answered by Ma'iingan 7
The answer to "How can I become a witch?" is: you study witchcraft and you practice it.
Witchcraft is not necessarily the same thing as Wicca: most Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccans. It's a technique, like prayer, that can be practiced in many different religious contexts -- and sometimes with no religious context at all. There are witches out there who are atheists.
Witchcraft 101 would go something like this, at least as I was taught: All things in the universe are interconnected by energy, which some witches (including Wiccans) perceive as Divine in nature. This is how witchcraft works: by focussing my intent, and using sympathetic correspondances (certain herbs for courage, for example), I can create an amulet using those herbs which will stimulate courage in the person who wears it. Similarly, by using a lock of hair from a person who is ill, I can (with their permission) set energies in motion that will help them to heal.
As a Wiccan, I operate by the Wiccan Rede: "If you harm none, do what you will". I also operate by the Law of Threefold Return: "Whatever you do, for good or ill, comes back upon you three times over." To me, this is one of the most important things to keep in mind about witchcraft: It is NOT a game, or a toy. It is a serious process of setting energies in motion, some of them quite large. And if you're not careful, the backlash can be very nasty.
Say, for example, you do a spell to get $2000 to pay a bill, but do not specify "with harm to none" or any other conditions. You might end up getting that $2000 dollars -- because you slipped on some ice, broke your arm, and are getting an insurance settlement worth $2000. Each spell has to be carefully thought out and prepared, and executed with focus, or else nothing at all is going to happen.
Witchcraft is not something you learn how to do overnight. It's a process of becoming attuned to yourself and the universe around you. One of the first lessons any Wiccan is taught is: "Know thyself." This isn't easy, and often it isn't pretty, but it IS necessary.
As for telekinesis... sorry, but Wiccans, at least, can't totally break the laws of physics, and anyone who tells you they can is, in my opinion, lying. Premonitions are a bit more of a grey area for me -- I believe that such things might be the result of a function of the universe that we simply don't understand yet. You'd have to speak with someone who's actually cultivated the skill (if it exists) to get more information.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me.
2007-02-16 11:27:29
answer #5
answered by prairiecrow 7
Shini... every day is Pagan day.. some of us actually live it. Not a witch, though I do magick and am coven trained. I really don't take much stock in titles. In the pagan community, you can call yourself anything and nobody asks questions. For the most part, the community accepts anyone as an authority who claims a title. When I set up our Temple, "What will we be called?" was the most asked question. The answer was,"What did your parents call you?" We even went so far as to remove the title Priest/Priestess, opting instead for the Egyptian verb "HemNetr" or "Serving the gods". The nomenclature is NOT important, its what you do that is...
2016-03-28 23:08:31
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I've known ppl with mental powers of some kind which I called witchcraft but now I'm of the belief that "witch" is only a label and fits many different ppl on many levels. As to if it's a sin. That depends on who you're talking to and who, or what, you're talking about. As for the "powers" you ask about. I feel we all have these things merely as a condition of birth. They are a solid part of our human existence. As we socialize we lose contact with them and become more complex. We simply "forget" them. Some are better than others at remaining connected or re-connecting. I have a pretty good "gut" or intuition about things but (not to make light of it all) I can't bend a spoon or levitate my dog. While variety is truly the spice of life follow your gut, but not at the expense of your heart, and you won't go sin-ing.
sorry, but I failed to mention - I am, through no choice of my own, an empath and it really can be very overwhelming at times and pretty depressing at others. Especially if I "forget" and let my guard down. I discovered this quite by accident during a drive thru the Shenandoah valley. It was an experience I never want to have again!
2007-02-16 11:29:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Good luck with that. Lemme know how it turns out for ya. Cus every properly informed human being knows that being a real "witch" or should I say Wiccan knows that real life isnt like a tv series where you get magical powers.
Do some research, you might be disappointed in your findings, but being Wicca really has nothing to do with magical powers, its a religion based on nature and the elements. It has nothing to do with worshipping Satan or any of the other stupid things people have to say about it.
Some people do seem to have gifts like that, but it has nothing to do with witchcraft or black magic, or the occult.
2007-02-16 10:27:24
answer #8
answered by Blackangel2006 3
I have met a few who claimed to be witches. Personally I think it's someones special effects that usually makes certain people believe they have this gift or curse. Most people are just puppets for the amusement of these people or entities. Some of which appear to have the ability to heal and create life forms. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away. Which lord is the real question. Look into remote viewing it's very similar to these so-called premonitions. Maybe people who were once extraterrestrials or the fallen naturally have these powers.
2007-02-16 15:02:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Turn your back on Christianity and pursue Wicca or another Pagan spirituality. People who practise in the craft are called witches just like others are called priests or Rabbi's.
Now in Pagan beliefs we as you know put zero worth in christian beliefs, ours is an earth based religion.
But more important Pagans believe in the right of others and will not support you being "forced" into abandoning your faith just to join Wicca (my opening line was more of an attention grabber). My suggestion to you is get some books and read, then make up your mind.
also Telekinesis and premonitions are not something that you get when becoming Pagan, you are born with it no matter what your faith is.
2007-02-16 10:31:17
answer #10
answered by Brutal honesty is best 5