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please include the words yugoslavia, serbia, slavic people, and the black hand in you answer. if you do i will vote your answer best. thank you

2007-02-16 09:29:51 · 1 answers · asked by Oprah Winfrey 2 in Arts & Humanities History

1 answers

Prior to WWI there was no Yugoslavia. Instead there were a collection of small states (roughly the same as populate to Balkans today): Serbia was an independent state, as was Montenegro; Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia were ruled by the Austro Hungarian Empire.

The Serbs, encouraged by the Imperial Russia, were trying to stir up trouble for the Hapsburgs in Bosnia. The funded and organized terrorist organizations, such as the Black Hand to create disturbances in Bosnia, hoping to cause a war in which they might annex the province to a greater Serbia.

In June of 1914, the Black Hand managed to assassinate the heir to the Auro_hungarian Empire, the little lamented Franz Ferdinand. His death set in train a series of events that culminated in the start of the War in August of 1914.

2007-02-16 09:39:57 · answer #1 · answered by P. M 5 · 1 2

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