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I'm 15, 5'0" blondish hair, fair/medium skin, green eyes. I have this exact body shape... (note: this is not me and I am not asian.)
Thick legs as you can see in the picture, ugh, and since mine are fair skinned i think they're ugly but w/e.
I'm super girly and preppy. I really like Hollister and A&F, but havn't shopped there much and I don't know which store will fit my body type better, for jeans.?? I also shop at American Eagle but want to wear more Hollister and A&F now. Do not stereotype me becuase I shop at these stores. Yes I'm a prep but I'm pretty nice and I don't consider myself better than anyone else. I even have a "emo" friend :)
So, what do you think will look good on me? Thanks for anyone who answers this!

2007-02-16 09:11:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

BTW, I don't know if this helps, but I wear a size 2 at American Eagle.
Bust- 33 in
Waist- 24 in
Butt- 34

2007-02-16 09:20:11 · update #1

PICTURE, (like the one above except that link doesn't work!)


2007-02-16 09:24:26 · update #2

6 answers

pinks are in!...if u have her exact shape...u really don't have thick legs or think anything.

i like those stores too...but be versitile...go for the look, not the store.

2007-02-16 09:19:29 · answer #1 · answered by Snki55ed Princess 4 · 0 0

Okay, I have friend that is like you and she looks GREAT in Hollister jeans! (Except her legs are totally a lot thicker- and yours aren't bad at all!) You might probably want to try like a size 3 at Hollister because I wear Hollister jeans, but American Eagle ones in that size are way to big on me. Also, try Grane Jeans. They are so comfortable and look great on ANY body type! (Of course, Hollister is great too- and more comfortable than A & F) You can buy them at these places:

The Bon-Ton
Atlantic Department Store
Almacenes Linda

For tops, I think that you could wear anything and it would look great on you! T-shirts are always good, but for a more trendy look you should wear a tank top with some kind of top over it from Hollister or A & F. You can also get some cheaper tops at The Bon-Ton, but they are still cute. Although, I really do recommend Hollister and A & F first! Ballet flats also look really good paired with jeans. They sell some cute ones at Payless and the Gap. I've also heard that Claire's has some good ones, but I don't know. A cute sweater from Hollister or Abercrombie is cute too. Also, if you're looking for some cute sweaters and camis to wear, go to Hollister right now- they have A LOT of cute camis and sweaters on sale right now at some really great prices! Good luck!

2007-02-16 17:23:07 · answer #2 · answered by je suis mode 5 · 0 0

i'm not sure about Hollister and A&F, but i do know that their sizing ranges pretty small, so you're probably not going to have a lot of luck there. I'm short and have wider hips and bigger thighs than most of the models would have and I used to work at AE, so i understand your problem. If you don't mind breaking out of the preppy mode, try J.Lo's jeans or L.E.I.They're made so that you have extra room for your lower half. If all else fails, try AE's Favorite's Jeans

2007-02-16 17:18:28 · answer #3 · answered by rockingballerina 3 · 0 0

Think outside the box. Don't just go to Hollister, A&F, and American Eagle. There are other cute, preppy stores too! Try J.crew. It's really cute stuff, but it's kinda expensive.

2007-02-16 17:17:10 · answer #4 · answered by fluffysheep12345 2 · 0 0

Ur lucky b/c wit your body type u can wear almost anything. But try to go for tighter fitting clothes and u probably look good in light colors like blue but not bright colors like red.

2007-02-16 17:18:00 · answer #5 · answered by CooCoo 2 · 0 0

hmm idk sorry

2007-02-16 23:13:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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