boolprop testingcheatsenabled actual it is the way you turn the cheat on. boolprop testingcheatsenabled fake it is the way you turn the cheat off. attempt retaining the shift button and click on a sim or merchandise. If the cheat code worked you receives dissimilar of recent ideas. This cheat code is outstanding because you get the type of marvelous number of recent ideas. solid success! =) I actually have domicile windows vista and this cheat code worked basically effective with none downloads.
2016-12-04 06:37:51
answer #2
answered by coratello 4
For pets:
boolProp petActionCancel [true/false] - makes pet actions cancellable
Build mode:
deleteAllFences -This deletes all fences on your lot
deleteAllWalls -This deletes all walls on your lot
deleteAllAwnings -This deletes all awnings on your lot
deleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] -This deletes all doors, windows, and stairs on your lot
deleteAllHalfWalls -This deletes all half walls on your lot
The Sims 2 Open for Business Cheats:
(The Sims 2 Open for Business Expansion Pack is required for these cheats)
AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]
It enables an interaction on non-controllable Sims to add them to your family
When a Sim is pregnant, this Sim has to be selected and the cheat entered. The Sim will automatically deliver twins.
Plumbbobtoggle [on/off]
This disables the plumbbob. (Great for Moviemakers)
Wall Placement Restrictions Removed Cheat
-Pressing the CTRL + ALT keys while trying to place the object will activate the cheat.
-Placement rules on walls will be removed. You will be able to place any wall object on a wall already occupied by another object.
The Sims 2 Nightlife Cheats:
(The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack is required for these cheats)
familyfunds NAME XXXX
Assigns money value to a family from the neighborhood level.
roofslopeangle [15-75]
Adjust angle of all roofs on the lot
showHeadlines [on/off] (for all sims on lot)
Needed for moviemakers. Makes all thought balloons, speech balloons, and ++/-- type headlines hidden/visible.
unlockCareerRewards (for selected sim)
For the currently selected Sim, they immediately gain access to all career reward objects in the catalog.
maxMotives (for all sims on lot)
Maxes the motive bars of all Sims currently on the lot. (Controllable and uncontrollable).
motiveDecay [on/off] (for all sims on lot)
Stops/Starts motive decay.
aspirationPoints num (for selected sim)
Applies the chosen aspiration level to the currently selected Sim.
lockAspiration [on/off] (for all sims on lot)
Stops aspiration decay/gain.
aspirationLevel [0-5] (for selected sim)
Gives a big chunk of aspiration reward points to the currently selected Sim.
agesimscheat on
Enables aging cheat when shift clicking on other Sims
setLotLightingFile [filename]
Allows the player to create a new lighting file with specific lot lighting values. Used to make special light settings per lot.
We also added 2 new Terrain Types to use in the Neighborhood creation cheats:
(You can choose these in the neighborhood dialog)
terraintype desert
terraintype concrete
nhdregiontype desert
nhdregiontype concrete
The Sims 2 University Cheats:
(The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack is required for these cheats)
changeLotZoning [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety]: changes the zoning type of the lot. Before rezoning a lot using this cheat, make sure there are no Sims currently living in the lot. To use this cheat, enter the lot that you would like to rezone, and then enter the cheat, choosing one of these zoning options.
boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true/false: enables build/buy mode tools that would normally be disabled when in a dorm lot.
boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/false: allows users to rotate any object in 45 degree increments instead of the 90 degree increments used for most objects.
The Sims 2 Cheats:
help: lists all the cheats in the game.
help [cheatname]: displays specific information about the cheat.
exit: closes the cheat window.
expand:expands or contracts the cheat window.
moveObjects on/off: removes footprint limitation for all object placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed on hand tool for when objects are in use, or are normally non-movable objects.This is known to cause issues with game elements, routing, hidden object generation and manipulation, etc. Note that using this cheat allows you to delete objects that normally cannot be deleted, such as Sims, the mailbox, and the garbage can. If you delete these objects, there is no way to get them back, so be careful!
aging -on/off: prevents Sims from aging. This can disrupt the carefully tuned gameplay balance, and will prevent little Johnny from ever growing up, so treat this cheat with care as well.
autoPatch -on/off: This cheat lets you re-enable notifications when there is a game update available for The Sims 2. Just turn Autopatch on and go to the Custom Content Browser (the little snowflake button on the UCP in the neighborhood). If there's an update available you'll be asked whether you want to download it.
slowMotion [value]: The slowMotion cheat takes one parameter: the "slowness" setting (such as slowMotion 4). This value ranges from 0 to 8 where 0 is normal speed and 8 is the slowest speed.
boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false: enables the use of postprocessing cheats (see below); very useful for movie making (also see below). Please note that you must have a video card that can handle pixel shaders in order to successfully use this cheat. If you use the cheats and you don't have pixel shaders, the screen will most likely go partially dark, and will not come back until you turn off enablePostProcessing. If you turn on postprocessing, and you turn on cinematics, and a cinematic plays, you may also experience unwanted graphical glitches.
bloom [r g b x] (rgb is color) (x is the bloom amount) [0.0 - 1.0]: This cheat adds a blur effect, like a sitcom flashback moment. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.
vignette [centerX centerY X] (X is the vignetteing factor) [0.0 - 1.0]: Adds a blur effect from the specified center. Using "vignette 0.5 0.5 0.5" should put some blurry bits at the edge of the screen. Vignette 0.5 0.5 1.0 is maximum edge blurriness. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.
filmGrain [val] [0.0-1.0]: This cheat makes the screen grainy. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.
letterBox [val] [0.0-0.4]: Adds a letterbox effect to the view. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.
motherlode- 50,000 fast cash
2007-02-17 05:21:53
answer #3
answered by emeralz_veneficus 3
it's motherlode, try that
2007-02-16 09:10:53
answer #5
answered by subsystem2001 3