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2007-02-16 07:50:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Fish

17 answers

I have 7 choices for you.....
#1. Small Tetra Tank
-choose from either
A. 3 neon tetras (1'') or
B. 3 black neon tetras(1") or
C. 3 cardinal tetras(1")
A. 2 black phantom tetras (1.5") or
B. 2 flame tetras (1.5") or
C. 2 glowlite tetras (1.5") or
D. 2 gold tetras (1.5'') or
E. 2 lemon tetras (1.5") or
F. 2 pristella tetras (1.5") or
G. 2 red phantom tetras (1.5")
A. 2 otoclunis (1.5") or
B. 2 bronze corydoras catfish (2") or
C. 2 panda corydoras catfish (2") or
D. 3 or 4 ghost shrimp (1") or
E. 1 upside down catfish (3")

#2. Large Tetra Tank
- choose from
A. 3 bleeding heart tetras (2.5") or
B. 3 diamond tetras (2.5") or
C. 3 emporer tetras (2") or
D. 3 red eye tetras (2")
A. 2 bronze corydoras catfish (2') or
B. 2 panda corydoras catfish (2') or
C. 2 otoclunis (1.5") or
D. 1 upsidedown catfish (3")

#3. Gourami Tank
- choose from...
A. 5 dwarf gouramis (2") or
B. 4 honey gouramis (2.5") or
C. 2 pearl gouramis (4'') or
D. 3 small blue goramis (3") or
E. 3 small gold gouramis (3") or
F. 2 moonlight gouramis (4") or
G. 4 croaking gouramis (2.5") or
H. 4 chocolate gouramis (2.2")

#4. Livebearer Tank
-choose from...
A. 6 guppies (1'') or
B. 3 platies (2'') or
C. 2 female mollies (3") (some aquarium salt required
in tank) or
D. 2 female swordtails (3") (some aqurium salt required
in tank)
PLUS (If fish chosen DONT require salt)
A. 2 peppered corydoras catfish (2.5") or
B. 2 bronze corydoras catfish (2") or
C. 2 panda corydoras catfish (2") or
D. 1 upsidedown catfish (3'') and 2 ghost shrimp (1")
A. 3 otoclunis (1.5")

#5. Barb Tank
choose from these....
A. 5 cherry barbs (2") or
B. 4 tiger barbs (2.5")

#6. Danio Tank
choose from.....
A. 3 zebra danios (2") or
B. 2 pearl danios (2.5") or
C. 4 leopard danios (1.5") or
D. 3 gold danios (2")
A. 1 upside down catfish (3") and 2 ghost shrimp (1") or
B. 2 bronze corydoras catfish (2'') or
C. 2 panda corydoras catfish (2'')

#7. Female Betta Tank
-get 4 or 5 female bettas plus 2 or 3 ghost shrimp

Remember to Enjoy Your Fish!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 =) =) =)
(Sorry if you saw this before, it took me over an hour to type it, I like really suck at typing, so I decided to copy and paste it)

Another tank idea, I dont know if it is listed, but 1 male betta, 3 panda cories, 4 ghost shrimp(I am probably really wierd but I think they are pretty kool to watch), and 2 ottos, thats what I decided to get soon.
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=) =) =)

2007-02-16 10:55:51 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 2

With a 10 gallon tank, you need to be careful to get only fish that are small and will stay small. Many of the fish in pet stores are juveniles and will grow much too large for a 10 gallon tank in time. Also, please research the fish you get and make sure a 10 gallon has enough swimming room for them--some schooling fish such as barbs and danios need far more swimming room than a 10 gallon provides. Here are my suggestions for some fish you can put in a ten gallon:

guppies, platies, or endler's livebearers (about 6 or 7 fish IN ALL...get all males if you don't want to deal with babies. This will be a very colorful tank!)

a betta and a snail OR a betta and 3 african dwarf frogs

A school of 8-10 small tetras (neons, glowlights, black neons, embers, or anything around that size)

A dwarf gourami and a snail OR a dwarf gourami and 3 african dwarf frogs

A school of 8-10 white cloud minnows

There are other options, if you see a fish that catches your eye at the pet store, research it before you buy to see if it can fit in a 10 gallon!

Here are some fish NOT to put in a 10 gallon, due mostly to size and aggression issues. PLEASE DO NOT GET ANY OF THESE FISH FOR YOUR TANK.

Any type of pleco
Any type of cichlid
Clown loaches
Tinfoil barbs
Any type of freshwater "shark"
Chinese algae eater
Silver dollars
Black ghost knife
Blood Parrots
Any gourami other than a dwarf gourami
Any type of fish that is artificially dyed (this includes painted glassfish, "fruit" or "berry" tetras, jellybean parrots, and many others.)

The most important thing to do is research before you buy, and make sure to cycle your tank, stock slowly, and keep up with 50% weekly water changes--do these things and you will have a happy, healthy tank!

2007-02-16 14:48:09 · answer #2 · answered by Liz 2 · 3 0

1. NO GOLDFISH. Your tank is too small for them.

2. There are however several options for a nice tropical tank.
Fish you can consider, do not put all these fish in together!
*Male Betta - Territorial, best kept with minimal other fish, or even alone. Can be kept with otocinclus, pygmy corys or sometimes african dwarf frogs.
*Otocinclus - small catfish 1" in length, mature algaefied tank only, best in groups of 3 - 4 in that size tank, but they poo a LOT so only keep with one or two other fish species. This is the ONLY suckermouth fish algae eater that should be put in a 10 gallon.
*Pygmy Corydoras - Super cute mini versions of Corys, meat eaters rather than algae eaters, keep similar to Otos other than that.
*Microrasboras - tiny and cute! schooling fish must be in a group.
*Endlers - wild guppies, livebearers, only grow to 1", hybrids or purebreds available, if you don't want babies just get the colourful males.
*Freshwater Dwarf Puffer - VERY VERY Territorial. A female pair could live in a 10 gallon if it was very well planted with lots of hiding places. NOT A COMMUNITY FISH! Best for a mature tank.

Remember, whatever fish you choose, do a ton of research and reading BEFORE you buy the fish and plonk it in your tank!

2007-02-16 10:40:47 · answer #3 · answered by catx 7 · 1 0

DON'T get an algae eater or a goldfish. Those are big, heavy, polluting fish that poop constantly and produce copious amounts of ammonia.

A 10 gallon tank is fairly small, so don't go for anything bigger than 2 inches. I would recommend a school of 8 tetras, either neons, black neons, harlequin rasboras, etc. And a male betta or a dwarf gourami as a centrepiece fish.

OR you can go with livebearers, and get 3 guppies and 3 platies (get 1 male and 2 females of each if you want babies - or JUST females if you don't). For livebearers, add two tablespoons of aquarium salt to their tank.

Then you can add a mystery snail or an african dwarf frog or a couple of ghost shrimp.

Be sure to cycle your tank before getting fish (google: Nitrogen Cycle), add your fish slowly (1-2 a week) and do weekly 30% water changes to keep your tank clean.
All of the fish I mentioned need filtration, and enjoy water that is about 78F.

2007-02-16 07:58:15 · answer #4 · answered by Zoe 6 · 6 0

Neon tertas, Guppies, Betta, Glow Light Tetras, small gormies, Serpae tetras, Mollies, platies, Lyre tailed mollies, Swordtails, Clown loach, Tiger barb*these are aggresive. Only put them in with other tiger barbs*, Pleco, Small goldfish *make sure to have a bigger tank if for when they grow* Albino Corydoras, Raspboras, mabey even an american dwarf frog. There are loads of possible fish for your 10 gallon tank. Those are just a few.

2007-02-16 07:59:32 · answer #5 · answered by Kitty 2 · 1 1

If it is your first tank or has never been used i would suggest hardy, difficult to kill fish. gold fish, guppies, neons, any cull fish really. a cull fish is a starter fish, it gets the tank ready for more delicate fish by balancing the water, and bactieria levels. also most culls are pretty cheap and breed easily so when you go to the pet store to get your second less hardy fish you can probably sell the cull babies and might even make a bit of profit. starting with culls will also give you an idea of the type of fish you want to eventually have by seeing how active they are and how active you want them.

2007-02-16 11:20:03 · answer #6 · answered by river_city_loser 1 · 0 1

you could put almost anything in there. however being that 10 gallons is a relatively small tank I would stick with fish such as tetras(there are lots of varieties not just neon's) molly's, even small gold fish.
Keep in mind it is recommended an inch of fish per gallon but keep in mind, rocks and plants take up some of that space as well.

2007-02-16 07:56:23 · answer #7 · answered by sassypants_911 2 · 0 1

I got a 10 gallon for Christmas. I put 3 hi-fin black tetras in mine. They have all survived. I recently added 2 serpea tetras - so far so good. I do have an automatic heater that keeps the tank around 76 and monitor it w/ a thermometer.

2007-02-16 15:51:58 · answer #8 · answered by lovemyhusband 3 · 0 1

An algae eater is always a good idea and you can get ghost shrimp to help with cleaning, too (although they don't live very long and tend to get eaten by the fish). I know you can get balla sharks and mollies. Gold fish are pretty stable fish. My mother had problems keeping her fish alive (mainly because they ate each other), so be sure you have fish that are willing to live together in a tank and you don't get too many, otherwise they may get territorial.

2007-02-16 07:54:47 · answer #9 · answered by Robeau 2 · 0 5

Goldfish are a good choice. They don't require a heater. Some fancy Orindas are nice, double tails and a big orange spot on their head. Mine is over 10 years old, so they do live for a long time.

Edit: I think the lifespan of over ten years shoud count for something. That's a long time. I've had neons. The die with dazzling regularity.

2007-02-16 07:54:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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