If she can make a determination that it will be the postion to take that will get her elected she will. That is, until she sees that it is not the position to take, so she will redact her statement of mistake. I think she will do and say anythng possible to get elected (as will most politicians). In her case it is rare that such desires are so cleary apparant, even to the most casual observer.
2007-02-16 06:18:04
answer #1
answered by rcm1454 2
What is the point of this question? The war is a war on terror. Iraq is one battle being fought. The president has the constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs, but congress has the authority to DECLARE WAR. The entire WORLD thought Saddam had WMDs. Although it was a major mistake, it was an honest mistake by the WHOLE WORLD and not just by the Bush administration. The Islamic fascists are banking on us to get out of Iraq because of our lack of perseverance and the democrats and some republicans are not doing anything to even hint that the terrorists are wrong. Hillary just happens to be one of the terrorists staunchest allies whether she realizes it or not. She will not admit to any mistake but she will INFER that GW Bush and not the Democrats are the ones that erred.
2007-02-16 06:39:58
answer #2
answered by just the facts 5
No, she would not. you have Bush-on-the-innovations, an ironic situation inasmuch simply by fact the eponymous sufferer lacks a innovations. in line with danger some twitching ganglia that coach indications of pastime whilst questioning bearing directly to the top of the international (this is coming actual quickly so we don't might desire to fret approximately international warming or something unGodly) or whilst presented cocaine hydrochloride, granular. Oh, and approximately physique armor: the only clarification why the troops have physique armor now's that their households pay for it. it relatively is staggering, each and every marine and each soldier, in the previous deployment, gets a letter despatched to mom and pa and considerable different telling them to pony up and purchase a flak vest for their soldier. yet we are successing, staggering? fulfillment is extra desirable than no longer-fulfillment, staggering? Oh, costly, in line with danger Bush-on-the-innovations syndrome is communicable over that information superhighway element that we Amurricans invented so we would desire to make shure we shop it even however we don't understand what it relatively is.
2016-10-02 06:13:35
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Probably not, as a female candidate people will be waiting for her to show any sign of weakness. She didn't really authorize it though, she authorized funding for it. Because otherwise she would have looked like a heartless liberal refusing to give money to the troops. Quite the catch 22 if you ask me.
2007-02-16 06:17:51
answer #4
answered by marah p 3
It wasn't a mistake that democrats initially supported the war. They were decieved into believing that Iraq posed a threat. Now that they look back and realize they were lied to, the now oppose the war.
2007-02-16 06:18:15
answer #5
answered by Groovy 6
There are many brilliant business minds in the US who believe one should never say the words..."I was wrong". There are other ways to say it without using such negative speak which tends to stick in people's minds. Going with that, I would suggest she has been coached not to say those words.
2007-02-16 06:16:06
answer #6
answered by Super Ruper 6
She already has. I've heard the sound bite repeatedly on progressive radio programs.
2007-02-16 07:00:00
answer #7
answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7
She already covered this by blaming GW for being so smart that he TRICKED her into a yes vote. Poor Hillary... so gullible.
2007-02-16 06:20:40
answer #8
answered by Amer-I-Can 4
She said if she knew then what she knows now she would have never authorized the war. And if pig could fly.......... Basically, she is showing her spinelessness and her lack of conviction.
2007-02-16 06:18:50
answer #9
answered by ken 6
You has apologized many times for voting for a war based on lies.
2007-02-16 06:16:57
answer #10
answered by Mario Savio 6