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Devin Moore at 17 years old was arrested for car theft and while being booked he grabbed the officers gun, shot and killed him and two other officers. He then escaped in a police car. He and his attorney blame it on the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Sony and many other companies are being sued for this. Will the companies have to pay? Does the media cause violence? Are there any laws for this kind of stuff?

2007-02-16 05:47:56 · 8 answers · asked by mrb1017 4 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

8 answers

No I honestly think that it goes back to the parents. They are lazy and let their kids spend too much time with this crap to begin with. Maybe if parents actually were involved in their kids lives a lot of this would be prevented.

Parents are too busy doing their own things now, letting their kids tend to themselves. Hell, half of them probably don't even know what games their kids are playing. And, if they do, they use the old "Well all the other kids are playing them".

Last time I checked, I was the parent and I am in complete control over what my son sees and what he plays. Call me controlling or whatever you would like.

I also spend time talking to my son. I know what is going on in his life, who his friends are, where they go, what they do. I know where he is every second of the day. He gets on me because I am always "in his business", but as long as he is living in my house, everything that he does is my business.

I am very strict and I have high expectations out of him.

Don't mistake this for not letting him have his own life. There is a HUGE difference between letting your son get a mohawk and letting him fail school and play extremely violent games.


Depending on the jury (assuming this goes to trial) they could have to pay something. Dumber things happen in the US.

I am sure that if there aren't laws now, there will be. Our government uses these cases to even further control what we can and can't see/hear/read/watch.

2007-02-16 05:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No there are no actual laws against these games. Thats a fact. The companies may have to pay but chances are very slim, and yes to a certain degree the media does cause violence. You think constantly watching the war in Iraq has been great? Not exactly. Its possible for his attorneys to blame this on the video game and yes once again the video game did cause this to happen. However, its not just the video game, what caused him to play that? The parents may not be always there and who actually bought it for him. It was two years ago, stores like walmart and toy's r us will be fined if they sell a M rated game to a minor. So the guardian has to agree to it or someone above age of majority would have had to buy it. By then you think his parents would have been in his room once or twice. Video games don't kill people people kill people but games contribute. Maybe a couple of times he was captured and had to do that exact manuver in the game, so it was instinct and thats what he did. To answer your question, these games dont exactly affect u conciously but they do subconsouly. So yes video games and the media do cause violence. (sorry about spelling errors)

2007-02-16 06:15:24 · answer #2 · answered by R I 1 · 0 1

The boys parents should be held accountable ..I will explain

first the boy had to spend way too much time on the game to be unable to distinguish between a game ,and reality, plus had the parents done there job he would have known the difference between right ,and wrong ...No games can ever ever override 17 years of parenting..the same goes for music ,and television

If a game , music, or television has more influence over a persons life ,and self control ....than 17 years of parenting Something is just plain wrong
I would say something is wrong within the home..Proper parental guidance ,and upbringing is the major influence in life it is the determining factor in what kind of adult we grow in to .
He is most likely one of these little bad a** kids who's parents let him do as he pleases , and so they would not have to be bothered with him they bought him a game system to baby sit him..it is very obvious the parents failed to provide any kind of discipline ,and structure or guidance, in this boys life , ( that or he played the games during the joke called "time out".).either way he knew better than to take a human life ,and the parents failed him as a child.......I say lock him up , and give the parents the same sentence the boy gets ...Anyone who thinks the media influences people are morons , people have to take responsiblity for their actions ,because it is a choice we make , they have to realize if they commit a crime they do not get a talking too ,and they do not get sent to there room or put in a corrner.....and the bull about a kid needs his own life is a crock of sh*t ..I am responsible for my child until he is 18 ..then he can go get his life ..

2007-02-16 06:28:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well for one, the kid is 17 and should know by now know the difference between video games and reality. 17..... and blames it on the video game.
Two, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a awsome game, and I dont believe the companies should pay. It has a M rating for Mature on the cover.

2007-02-16 06:26:00 · answer #4 · answered by KJ 1 · 0 0

The main problem is -> The hotcoffee mod wasn't known about by ESRB so as soon as that hacker found it BAM! watchdog groups & politicians pounced. I don't think its that bad of a thing, sex or violence, in a market where consumer sovereignty reigns we're choosing to have that in our video games. Bad thing? I think not. Should it be kept away from the kid gamers? Most definitely, but thats not our choice to make. Ultimately its the choice of the parents and if they're choosing to let their kids play these games, what can we do? Once people start to realize that its not gamers fault or the industry's fault for making these games or for enjoying them, maybe things will cool down. Until then its just going to continue to be a big mess...

2016-05-24 07:12:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I doubt that the companies will have to pay because, in my opinion, they are not responsible

I don't believe that there is a connection between video game violence and real life violence. Actually, I think that video games are a great alternative outlet for pent up aggression

2007-02-16 05:53:00 · answer #6 · answered by BigD 6 · 0 0

i am in love with the game grand theft auto san andreas and am the most peaceful person you'll ever meet. either way, sony had nothing to do with it!!

2007-02-16 05:56:15 · answer #7 · answered by Jen 4 · 0 0

~5 million copies of the game have been sold. 1 retard uses it as an excuse for committing heinous crimes.

Video games don't kill people, people kill people.

2007-02-16 05:58:10 · answer #8 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 0 0

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