I could not be more serious than on this answer.
My big brother had the same thing happened to him. He went out with her for 6 months and they broke up because they were "bored". 4 months later, they got back together because they missed each other too much.
5 months later, they got married and have been for 21 years with 4 kids. They are still "On their Honeymoon"!!!
2007-02-16 05:24:51
answer #1
answered by 7 Habits 3
All love is "true" or it isn't love...and yes, a friendship can turn into love even if that type of spark wasn't there initially. Sometimes it takes people some time to get to know one another before they realize how well they fit together after all.
2007-02-16 05:21:22
answer #2
answered by . 7
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it likely? Less so.
While love can arise from these situations, it is more likely that a strong lasting friendship has developed. The only way to know is to ask, and take whatever answer is at face value. Romantic love or not, it's a relationship that has had much time invested in it and is extremely worthwhile.
2007-02-16 05:24:39
answer #3
answered by David C 2
only if they both feel it. you can help someone out through tough times, great times, or even have had a previous relationship but the magic has to be mutual. I married my best friend, we were friends before but it just happened. being there for someone does not = true love always.
2007-02-16 05:23:52
answer #4
answered by kminimax27 1
maybe in the long run but it doesnt always happen if the SPARKS arent there then theres nothing they could do about it but you never know its possible they went through a lot together its also possible that thats maybe all there gonna be is just *really good friends*
2007-02-16 05:23:37
answer #5
answered by devon a 2
Yes. Even if they don't feel the spark the first time, doesn't mean that they won't feel the spark eventually.
2007-02-16 05:22:46
answer #6
answered by coopyey 3
2007-02-16 05:21:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
y3s it can turn into true love cuz dats how i am right now but i dnt wanna love him cuz he's been so great but as a friend and now i love him it's soo wierd bt sometimes i like him as a friend,love,and family but... ya it could happen peace out
2007-02-16 05:30:30
answer #8
answered by graviela v 1
you know, i think it's possible. my g/f and i started out as friends, and our relationship kindof "evolved" in to dating. i think that if you keep caring for her, and show her that you care (don't take it too fast though) that it could turn into a relationship.
2007-02-16 05:24:03
answer #9
answered by Love Doctor 4
unless you guys changed, plus everything is possible!!!
2007-02-16 05:22:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous