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Personally I think it is rather sad that a singer would thik herself to be comparable to a man who spent days fasting in protest, made all his own clothes, wrote several important documents on peace, and truely earned himself the title "Father Of The Nation" (that nation being India) because of a life of selflessness and great deeds.
Other people she described herself as being like are Martin Luther King Jnr and John Lennon. I can see how she is like Lennon in many ways - a singer and performer who has some personal concerns about the environment.
But Matin Luther King? Can she really claim to match even 5% of what he achieved over his life of seeking equal treatment for all? Afterall she is older today than he was when he died.


So do you think Madonna is the new Gandhi? Will she lead whole nations to peace?

2007-02-16 05:07:24 · 162 answers · asked by monkeymanelvis 7 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

159 answers so far... this will be tough to choose! Thank you all for answering. It seems Madonna is not to popular these days here. I do think she is probably a nice lady but has somecrazy ideas.
I can't believe she would compare herself to Gandhi or Martin Luther King - it's like when the Beatles were "bigger than Jesus".

2007-02-17 11:17:04 · update #1

162 answers

The funniest thing for me is Madonna being a student of Kaballah (Jewish Mysticsm)

There are very strict rules set for who is even allowed to study it as it is believed to be so intense on the mind, you have to be of a particular level to be able to handle it.

Here are just 3 quick things that are required:
1) You must be male (this is not a knock at women not being capable but there are far more reasons why women should not be doing it)
2) You have to have intensely studied other religous books - she hadn't even opened or seen one
3) You had to be over a certain age and married - she was not either

It is a complete joke and whoever allows her to learn this is making a mockery of it and doing it for the money.

So I don't think she could be the next Ghandi - she should stick to being the next American Idol.

2007-02-16 05:21:07 · answer #1 · answered by shirju_rich 4 · 8 2

Madonna needs to get her head out of her rrse and see that only she thinks she is that great! I think she should crawl under a stone and hit 50 years old with a bit of dignity... as if that'll ever happen!!
There's no way that she could ever be compared to anyone like gandhi, or martin luther king, what the hell has she done for anyone apart from herself? Oh, unless you take into consideration all the little teenage boys back in the 80's who used to fancy her. Which hardly accounts for doing anything for civilisation!!
Personally, I pity her. She's the same age as my mother and should act like it. Maybe not quite with the m&s cardi's that my mum wears, but a bit of decorum would be nice - shes almost 50 for gods sake!!

2007-02-16 23:54:54 · answer #2 · answered by keiraebony 3 · 0 0

One should ask a question : Were American Black leaders including Dr. King aware of Gandhi's anti-black activities? Painfully, the answer is, no. For this lapse, the blame lies on the Afro-American newspapers which portrayed Gandhi in ever glowing terms, setting the stage for African-American leaders Howard Thurman, Sue Baily Thurman, Reverend Edward Carroll, Benjamin E. Mays, Channing H. Tobias, and William Stuart Nelson to visit India at different time periods to meet Gandhi in person. None of these leaders had any deeper understanding of Hinduism, British India, or the complexities of Gandhi's convoluted multi-layered Hindu mind.

2014-09-11 14:35:43 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I think it pathetic, she is probably one of the people who is most different from Gandhi. All she does is talk about her private life in public and has been given 'special treatment' over adopting a baby, just because she is a famous singer! Normally, people would have to sign documents and a lot of paperwork has to be done which would take ages, but how come it only took Madonna a few months to adopt?
I think she's a great singer and she should stick to that.

2007-02-16 23:11:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do Americans know who Gandhi was? How many Americans would stand in front of the map and point to Germany thinking it was India? Americans shouldn't criticize Madonna. You just keep eating your McDonalds, play rugby and vote for Bush. You don't even know what the rest of the world is, so shut up. Madonna may not be right but at least she belongs to 1% of Americans who actually have some intelligence.

2007-02-16 10:27:17 · answer #5 · answered by taurus_5206 3 · 0 0

I think it's kind of funny. As in ridiculous. Selfless is not a word I would use to describe most celebrity do gooders. Many celebs and wealthy people do quite a lot of charity work without having a film crew trailing them to document it. Richard Curtis does quite a lot Perhaps she could sell a mansion or two and give the money to the causes she cares for and then I would believe that it was something more than a passing fad with her.

If someone is helped, fine, but I think it's a bit tacky and vainglorious for her to compare herself to people such as Gandhi.

2007-02-16 07:27:07 · answer #6 · answered by slipstreamer 7 · 1 0

In the Simpsons recently the family visited Britain and Homer was arrested. As part of the deal that got him released, he had to agree to take Madonna back with him to America in a bag. If only that happened in real life!

Madonna is not like Ghandi at all. She's just annoying!

2007-02-16 23:59:22 · answer #7 · answered by CTU 3 · 0 0

She only wants to be 'like Gandhi or MLK'? That's unusually modest for Madge...I thought she would have said she thinks she is spiritually and morally superior to them, considering the size of her ego!

She is pathetic. An embarrasment. A long gone has-been. Someone should just put her in a quiet room, close the door and turn out the light.Then lock up and throw away the key.

2007-02-17 02:23:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Another deluded fool whose grip on the real world is skewed by their wealth, and being surrounded by sycophantic yes people who should know better. Remember Jacko and 'His story', stage show, portraying himself as some Christ like figure?, and where is he now? Every thing that Madonna does is now motivated by self aggrandisement and the thirst for self promotion. She has always been a meagre talent and can't even sing that well,her role in the movie 'Dick Tracy' was toe curlingly embarrassing. Madonna as a mentor to the nations of the world? I'll be able to p*ss gasoline before that happens.

2007-02-16 23:18:16 · answer #9 · answered by Trixie Bordello 5 · 0 0

All hail the queen of basking in her own fabulisity. I dont know why she hasnt been arrested for child kidnap. Unfortunately there is no one around able to tell her to get her head out from her asss.
Remember she admitted during Live8 that she had never even been to Africa. Then within the year she had been there and also kidnapped a small boy. As you can probably guess I dont own any Madonna self promotional material. Shes such a witch it makes my brain hurt thinking about it.

2007-02-16 14:52:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think Madonna was good in the day but now she should retire as a house wife- look after her family instead of trying to save the world and the orphans in it. She is certainly no Gandhi or Lennon just irritating.

2007-02-16 08:28:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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