i think it was the drugs!! she had to much stress!!!
2007-02-16 04:56:10
answer #1
answered by Brtny 3
I have one of two theories:
1) The family of the old man had her (and probably her son as well) taken out of the equation. When you are dealing with millions of dollars people will do anything to feed the greed.
2) OD - I don't think she would've killed herself b/c she had a newborn. She was obviously self-medicating after the death of her son - something fairly common when dealing with grief, but I truly feel she wanted to see her daughter grow.
My questions are:
1) Why don't the "fathers" just take the damn DNA tests and get it over with already? (they can just go on Maury Povich and I'm sure he'll cut them a deal ---- "You ARE the father!")
2) Why the hell is ANS's mother acting so concerned about her now? She hasn't seen her since the late 90's and now she jumps on GMA the morning after with sobbing and crying. She's in it for some sort of publicity, to make money on her daughters death and mark my words, she will be selling a book deal to the same people who published Heidi Fleiss and Tanya Harding - Garan-damn-teed.
2007-02-16 05:06:34
answer #2
answered by redslippers 4
i say she died from stress and the media bugging her and from a broken heart from the death of her son and how the media just down played every bad thing in her life one thing i will say after everything is said and done anna nicole smith will be looking over her little girl for the rest of that little girl life.but i pray that all this will be for the interest of this baby who has to grow up without her mama and i hope her boyfriend is her dad i know ms smith want her little girl with him and not with her miother.
2007-02-16 05:35:23
answer #3
answered by iris b 2
I think that it was years and years of using drugs and heavy drinking that aided her body to wear down. She had just given birth which is hard enough on a body with or without loosing a child. She had so many stressful things going on. I think her immune system just shut down.
It's a sad thing for sure, but I can't help but think that she brought alot of it on herself.
So many of her interviews showed her so high. Nobodys body can handle that much abuse.
2007-02-16 04:56:12
answer #4
answered by bluegrass 5
She died after being abducted by aliens.
They were performing some odd tests on her and she just died, so they dumped her back in her room.
That is why all the authorities cant find anything yet.
2007-02-16 04:55:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately,I think that her death is the result of stealing the money from the husband family. You eventually pay for all wrong doings
2007-02-16 04:58:27
answer #6
answered by loulou 1
I think she accidently took too many drugs.
2007-02-16 05:00:43
answer #7
answered by Sunshine Suzy 5
I really think she died of an overdose that they probably will never admit!!
2007-02-16 04:53:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
she over dose because she was dipresed and didnt want live she wanted to with her son who died she was dipresed
2007-02-16 08:28:30
answer #9
answered by keyshia 2
I think she probably overdosed on methodone like her son
2007-02-16 04:54:24
answer #10
answered by Jen05 2