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...i.e., what does he have to gain by riding (and driving) the global warming bandwagon?

2007-02-16 04:37:22 · 33 answers · asked by Martin L 5 in Politics & Government Politics

33 answers

Algore would be inventing things that have already been invented.

2007-02-16 04:43:18 · answer #1 · answered by Bawney 6 · 9 3

In government, maybe. But certainly not leading this cause.

Al Gore seems to have a passion for this issue. Take a look at his book. He mentions living in a farm while his dad was Senator and realizing that he took the environment forgranted. He has been consulting with the top scientists while he was Vice President. He did say that he would devote the profits from his book and DVD to his cause, so it looks like he has nothing to gain.

This "bandwagon" is getting bigger and bigger because the evidence supporting global warming is mounting. Here are a few examples:
So, what about the one degree centigrade change in the climate when all the commercial airplanes had to be grounded on 9/11? What about the 2000 Year Reconstruction of the temperature shown here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/image:2000_...
What about the 600,000 Year Reconstruction of the CO2 level shown here:
Now, please tell me that they're just mere coincidences. The more CO2 in the air the more heat it traps, right?

2007-02-16 06:42:17 · answer #2 · answered by Batch D 2 · 0 0

Why does it matter where he would be? I think he believes in this cause he has taken up and doesn't have anything to gain but a feeling that he has done his part to help the world deal with global warming. He may not be the most eloquent speaker, or have what it takes to be elected President, but he has taken up a cause that fits his talents. I say more power to him. At least he didn't disappear into the fog of a failed Presidential bid and is addressing an issue most politicians are either too busy or too distracted to take the time to address. I'm a pretty cynical type myself, but I think Gore is sincere about global warming.

2007-02-16 04:51:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

I'm sorry to say that it gives him a major political platform that millions share with him. It is just a portion of the environmental side of politics.

This winter is leaving him without an escape clause to explain the record lows and snow fall. According to his "experts" the world is supposed to be getting warmer. You will see in the coming weeks and months that they change from "Global Warming" to "Global Climate Change". What that means is that if it is 2 degrees warmer today than the same day last year it's "Global Warming" and if it's 2 degrees cooler than the same day last year it's "Global Climate Change".

2007-02-16 04:52:42 · answer #4 · answered by bamafannfl 3 · 3 3

Al Gore is able to advance the cause of internationalists by insisting that global warming is an issue that is important and one that can be solved through government actions. By perpetuating these myths he allows some on the left to find an outlet for the guilt they feel for living a modern life while many in the 3rd world suffer under one party dictatorships or failed socialist states. Those truely converted to his cause now have the ability to become carbon nutrall by giving money to enviromental causes world wide, just as the midevil catholic church sold dipensations for sins to wealthy catholics of that time. Gore's enviromentalisim smacks of a new age religious philosophy that can be embraced by those who belive they are too sophisticated to belive in God. Gore enables the left in the US to propose new taxes and regulations that are always dear to the hearts of liberals, however none of these solutions will have any effect on global climate

2007-02-16 04:54:17 · answer #5 · answered by espreses@sbcglobal.net 6 · 2 4

He's not doing this for personal gain. He is trying to educate people to a real danger. Being current with independent scientific studies has led him and many other intelligent people to this conclusion.
There are opportunities in finding a solution to global warming. The major US automakers and oil companies are funding studies to discount global warming. They haven't had an innovative thinker since Henry Ford. That's why the Big 3 are tanking. The leader in the automotive field is now Toyota. That's because they are innovative in building fuel efficient cars. The next Heny Ford or Bill Gates in the transportation or energy industry will be an innovative solution oriented thinker, not someone trying to protect the failed policies of the past.

2007-02-16 04:52:17 · answer #6 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 2 6

He would be on some other wagon. He is a total fraud. He now has a concert about global warming, fronted by a bunch of bands that his wife would have wanted locked up or censored back in the 80's. Why didn't he do anything to stop global warming when he was V.P. of the nation? what a joke.

2007-02-16 04:42:40 · answer #7 · answered by Sawcutting Shogun 3 · 8 4

Guess he would just go on 'inventing the internet' ;-)
Global warming is a ploy to get people to change their whole life and make it green.
But it's the normal progression of the earth to go though warming trends and ice ages and nothing us mere mortals can do to stop it. That is the stupidity, its normal and nobody wants to own up to it cause its such a PC "cause' now. They have to run around wringing their hands about something and this one is getting the kids in school brainwashed. You see that commercial on the Weather Channel yet? Gorecraves fame this is his 20 mintues.

2007-02-16 04:40:37 · answer #8 · answered by Tapestry6 7 · 11 3

There would be global warming if Al Gore had never been born.

2007-02-16 04:50:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Growing another man beard.

Inventing windmills.

In disguise at Wal-Mart, buying more flannel.

Alarming everyone about man's effects on plate tectonics.

Writing an "original" penguin movie.

In a sleep research facility putting insomniacs to sleep.

2007-02-16 05:00:08 · answer #10 · answered by Michael E 5 · 0 2

He has to gain a lot of money and power. It is a well known fact that Global warming is just another facet of Bushate. If a Demoncrat gets into office, we will never hear about Global Warming again.

Remember, they try to blame Bush for pulling us out of the Kyoto Treaty but we were NEVER signors to that treaty. Clinton never signed it.

2007-02-16 04:41:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

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