POW is the name given for soldiers caught during war time. Death camp and concentration camp are the same thing, people were taken there under misleading stories, and when they got there they found out what was really going to happen to them. In Germany, Ive seen 2 concentration camps, Auschwit, and Dachau, both were very heart-breaking. For instance, each barracks held 200 people, they would only give out 90 bowls of food, so if you didn't get one you didn't eat, most people starved to death, other were gassed, and some burnt.
2007-02-16 04:30:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A POW camp was for prisoners of war, that is soldiers in uniform captured by their enemy. Usually these prisoners were treated moderately well, in hope that the captors soldiers would be equally well treated.
A Concentration Camp was (is) a location where civilians who were considered a danger to a government were gathered into a small space so they could be controlled. This usually resulted in the loss of their homes, businesses and all their property. The USA did this to Japanese-Americans in California during WWII.
A Death Camp was a concentration camp which was specifically used to funnel people to their deaths. A typical, but not the only example were the Nazi death camps of WWII.
It is important to note that these types of camps are still in use today, and often the lines are blurred. Torture is common.
2007-02-16 12:31:08
answer #2
answered by roscoedeadbeat 7
POW camp is the only one that can be clearly defined. In the second world war (which I assume you are talking about, as it contrasts with the other two), a POW camp was somewhere that captured soldiers could be kept to prevent them going back and joining their comrades. The conditions in these camps vaired, but could be reasonable, all sides had them and there was a feeling of mutual co-operation.
The other two were (in the context of the second world war) used by the Nazi's as different ways of dealing with undesirables, homosexuals, gypsies, political prisoners as well as Jews.
The concentration camp could be defined as a labour camp. The people brought there were often treated awfully and many died.
The death camps were distinct as the people who arrived at them were immediately killed in the gas chambers.
It can perhaps be best illustrated through an example. Auschwitz in Poland had both concentration camp (no1) and death camp (no2 - Birkenau). Prisoners were selected upon arrival and either put to work or to death depending on their health.
The distinction was of course not clear and people could be sent from camp 1 to the chambers at any time.
2007-02-16 14:28:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A death camp refers to a place where prisoners- soldiers or citizens - were sent with the high probability of never coming out alive. A POW camp strictly defines prisoner of war camp where soldier prisoners where kept according to the rules of war. A concentration camp refers to a place where prisoners and others were kept in large numbers or concentrations for work or detention or until they were moved on or killed.
2007-02-16 12:27:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
POW camp = prisoner of war camp. Rules for treatment of POWs are outlined in the Geneva convention of 1930something (google "Geneva convention POW") POWs are not internal enemies of the state, they are enemy combatants.
concentration camp = a camp/prison like setting, where enemies of the state (non combatants) are housed usually in very overcrowded conditions (concentrated into a small area). They may or may not be used a slave laborers, and are usually treated with minimal care (alot of disease and starvation causes death).
Death camp = is the same as a concentration camp, but the prisoners are explicitly put to death (not by disease or starvation)
2007-02-16 12:20:11
answer #5
answered by tlbs101 7
Death Camp = People killed
POW Camp = Prisoners of War kept
Concentration Camp = People concentrated in small area
Used to be covered by the Geneva Conventions until they were suspended by Bush/Blair and the Connivance of the UN
2007-02-16 12:25:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
death camp are camps ment to kill its prisoners.... POW camp is a camp for prisoners of war... a concentration camp is typically ment to gather ppl of the same race or ethnic group...
2007-02-16 12:28:43
answer #7
answered by tst1980 3