I believe if the Democrats did nothing else, except kick back and let George Bush implode, for the next two years, then they will win the 2008 elections easily. As I have said over-and-over, George W. Bush is the Republican Party's single worst asset.
2007-02-16 03:34:49
answer #1
answered by Jackson Leslie 5
There are so many possible scenarios:
If Bush continues on the path he is on now, ignoring all suggestions from Democrats, Joint Chiefs, and the Study Group, with the result being that we are still in a quagmire over there, the Dems will win. Even if they allow him to continue without trying to effectively stop him. Rather than saying the Dems didn't do all they could, people will react to Bush's refusal to listen to anyone but his "yes" men and the Dems still win.
If his current plan works in Iraq, we will still be in Iraq come Nov '08. His plan doesn't include leaving Iraq as soon as it is successful - whatever "successful" may turn out to be. The Dems still win in '08 with this scenario.
If this plan fails and he goes with a Democratic plan that has any measure of success, the Dems win in '08. If he does this and a Dem plan turns out to be a disaster? That's the only chance the Republicans have of staying in the White House.
If we are hit by a terrorist attack inbetween now and Nov '08 the Republicans goose is cooked, which really isn't quite fair, but nevertheless will have that effect. Personally, I don't believe that terrorists plan their attacks around which party is in power, but whichever party is in power when they attack will suffer from it.
If Bush attacks Iran without Congressional approval it doesn't matter what happens in Iraq - the Dems will sit in the White House in '09.
If Bush continues to send troops into Afghanistan to help NATO forces contend with the Taliban, and deploys more troops to other areas to actually fight the terrorists he will be in higher favor. Many Americans feel that we have abandoned the War on Terror to be policemen in a civil war. This may have a positive effect that will cause the election to be tighter than it seems right now. I still think the Dems win though.
It will take a miracle for the Republicans to win the White House in '08. If Bush's plan works it certainly would be a miracle. Not an unwelcome one either. The great majority of us are more concerned with our troops safety than we are with making sure a Democrat sits in the White House in '09. But, I honestly don't think this miracle would even be enough. The mood in this country is ugly towards the Republicans and I don't think anything but an all out withdrawal could change that - and that just isn't going to happen, no matter what plan is followed.
2007-02-16 12:11:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The next two years are critical. I think you are pretty much on the money with your assessment of the war in Iraq.
The voters are not very pleased with the progress in Iraq or with the present administration - but, on the other hand, the democrats have not even begun to live up to the campaign promises that got them elected in Nov.
A nonbinding resolution is not exactly the act of a courageous group of politicians resolved on trying to end this conflict - especially at a time when we have American soldiers in harm's way.
It appears to be nothing more than political grandstanding, and that's pretty lame when you consider all of the concerns presently facing our nation.
I believe the next two years will either make or break one of the parties. We've seen what the republicans have tried to accomplish - and the ball is now in the democrats' court.
The voters spoke loudly in Nov - all we can do now is sit back and see what the democrats can accomplish.
2007-02-16 12:17:48
answer #3
answered by LeAnne 7
If the democrats win the elections, it will only add another war loss on the belt of America. because the democrats seem to want us to lose in Iraq, and they have no other plan than to cut and run like cowards.
If the republicans win, we will continue to fight to stabilize Iraq as we should and keep fighting until we win. they understand that war takes time, and we are not going to let the democrats cause another loss.
we will win, it just takes time.
Even an Austrailan official claimed that the Democrats of America seem to desire failure, and Austraila does not want the U.S. to lose.
2007-02-16 12:03:36
answer #4
answered by cyberep 2
The Dems will mostly win in '08. I think there failed policies will cause a GOP landslide in '12. Bush has failed the Republicans by getting soft on Iraq and the US / Mexican boarder
2007-02-16 11:37:26
answer #5
answered by Clyde N 1
The Republicans have already failed miserably! Repubs stand no chance in the 08 election. You actually think more than a few are going to vote Republican after 8 years of Bush with 6 being nothing more than mass murder of our children by a liar!
2007-02-16 11:36:47
answer #6
answered by cantcu 7
Hard to say. But, this was in the news today:
Aparently, they are going to back Bush's plan with conditions. But, I think people are pretty fed up with the current regime. When that happens, it's usually another party that wins the next election.
2007-02-16 11:35:51
answer #7
answered by Groovy 6
I think that's a fair assumption. The American people (as much as I disagree with it) want America out of Iraq tommorow so they in reality, support the Dems efforts. However they also want other resolutions which is something that the Dems haven't brought to the forefront, which would make your assumption correct.
2007-02-16 11:35:32
answer #8
answered by Mr. Info 3
I think the Democrats will drag out the conflict until the election. They will use the status of the war and produce some sort of solution 180 days before to sway voters.
Bottom line, they will use the lives of our fighting men and women to gain the Whitehouse, not caring about them at all.
2007-02-16 11:42:05
answer #9
answered by Q-burt 5
None of the canadates look good to me. I wish sen. Tom Coburn (R) from Oklahoma would run. He says what he means and means what he says. Just look some of his past quotes up. He is no phony polition.
But I believe Edwards will win. Hillary will get everyone fired up like Howard Dead did last time but be to extream to win in Iowa. Edwards will then win Iowa and the other states will follow. He will probibly chose Obama as his running mate.
2007-02-16 11:35:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous