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2 answers

The first answer is interesting. Your rose sounds like it is getting environmental damage or a fungal disease. Sometimes if you water the rose in the heat of the day (or put any chemical or fertilizer [or dishwater]) it can cause the leaf to burn. Scorch turns the leaves brown as does chemical or fertilizer burns. If this has been your practice water (fertilize or spray) in the morning. If you are not doing any of these things you are probably getting a fungal disease.

Peace is a very old cultivar and is not very disease-resistant. The most common disease is "black spot" and there are others that can cause leaves to turn brown or black. Ortho has Funginex which has been around since about the time of the Pilgrims. Mix some up and spray the roses according to the directions. Reapply every 7-10 days and that will stop the diseases. The affected leaves will not come back but it will not effect the new leaves.

There's one other remote possibility: If you soak the living daylights out of it when you water you could be causing the "root hairs" to rot off making the plant have a harder time to take up water an thereby causing the leaves to dehydrate and turn brown. If you have heavy soil that hold water, don't water too heavily. I know it doesn't make sense that too much water can cause the rose to dehydrate but it does.

2007-02-16 04:04:14 · answer #1 · answered by college kid 6 · 0 0

this will sound dumb, but it does work. Wash your dishes in a sink, use dawn or Joy or such. SAVE THE DIRTY WATER, toss it on you roses. do this at least once a week, daily won't hurt.

Why does this work? Three reasons, the bits of food in the water feed the plant as they decompose. The soap in the water gets rid of the particular insects that bother roses. the soap in the water actually helps the water penetrate better and get down to the roots.

Yeah, its not the fancy stuff the stores try to sell you, but it really does work. My grandmother did it for years, and her roses grew pretty and abundantly. she did little or nothing else to them. I would have to cut them back as they would grow so much they would get out of control if i didn't.

2007-02-16 11:34:56 · answer #2 · answered by tootall1121 7 · 0 0

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