Hi! If you feel that way about her I think it's great. As long as your happy with it and she's happy, there's nothing wrong with that what so ever.
Have a good one.
P.S when you feel good about something you should never worry about what others feel about your happiness just go with your heart, it's never wrong!
2007-02-16 03:23:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If she is the only person that has ever acted like your mother, then go for it! It sounds like you have a great relationship. If you have a mother that this might hurt, you might tone it down, but keep Amy as a dear friend.
2007-02-16 03:14:23
answer #2
answered by Bev 5
Not at all. Sometimes we need a mom besides our own to talk with. Something about that keeps the pressure off knowing they wont get angry with you. Don't forget your real mom loves you too...
2007-02-16 03:14:34
answer #3
answered by Smiley J 1
Aw, that is so sweet! A mother is someone you believe is of a mother figure to you...He/She could be anyone! If she's a mother figure to you, and you want to love her as your mommy, then of course it's ok!!!
2007-02-16 03:14:03
answer #4
answered by i ♥þîÑk☆ 5
No. I think its kool.... As long as you remember that you have a real Mom and take her feelings into consideration . My best friend's mom is my mom. I luv her to death too.
2007-02-16 03:17:40
answer #5
answered by Shay 1
I see no problem in it. If she cares for you like a mother, and you love and cherish her as a mother, then I think you have your answer.
2007-02-16 03:24:28
answer #6
answered by ragbagz 3
back off sister
that's wha biological parent r for
2007-02-16 03:13:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't get it.
2007-02-16 03:15:00
answer #8
answered by genuine1 3