in a 29 gallon tank I have 5 diamond tetra, 2 cory cats (going to get 3 more) 1 angel fish, 1 rainbow shark. I would like to bring some color into the tank with neon tetras so I'm assuming I'm going to have to get rid of the angel for the room and so they don't get eaten. I have a 120 gallon tank downstairs I can move him/her to and I'm going to add 5 more angels later.
question 1: Will the neons be ok in the 29 gallon? How many could I get?
question 2: How can I safely move my angel.. I'm so scared to lose him in the moving?
question 3: Can I add 5 small angels later with this one large one in there (3 inches body size)?
Thanks for help!
In the 120 so far I have 6 serpae tetra, 2 red rams, 2 dojo loaches, 1 dwarf frog. My b/f got the frog without consulting me so I don't know anything about the compatability on it with any of the others.
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