Yeah, you're right on all counts. But the big difference is that Hezbollah has gritty determination. The Liberal ranks are populated with foo foo, limousine liberal, douche-bag ex-hippie types who don't have enough resolve to clean out their bongs once a week.
Also, Hezbollah is not filled with hypocrites. They say they want to destroy Israel and don't hide the fact. However, Liberals want to cripple the ability of the U.S. to lead the world; they think we are what's wrong with the world. However, they act like they are acting in our best interests. HAH!
2007-02-16 02:57:04
answer #1
answered by 7
In case you haven't been watching, there hasn't been common sense in American politics since Clinton was impeached. Everything turned into partisan bickering at that point--the sides polarized and the middle disappeared along with the truly liberal and conservative voices. Everyone felt they had to join the Republicans or the Democrats or their voice wouldn't matter.
Comparing the liberal left to a foreign conservative group is interesting, but a little far fetched if you take it any further than the specific examples you mentioned. And realize that the conservatives are also a little short on common sense these days--I used to think election time was a choice between stupid and evil, now I think the evil has spread around to everyone and we choose between dumb and dumber.
Before this year's election, the Democrats were just yammering--they didn't have much effect on the higher government--Bush did what he wanted and got approval from Congress. Now the Democrats control Congress, and have a responsibility to do their duty to their constituents. The President is not a higher government than Congress, no matter how much he tries to make it that way.
2007-02-16 11:04:30
answer #2
answered by wayfaroutthere 7
I think the conservatives compare much closer
especially to the Taliban
Conservatives Ban thought outside the party lines
Start wars that the people don't want to be in
Think that they are "higher Government"
when its supposed to be a government
of the people
Fear has been the Duh-ciders only ally
Blame no lets not blame him for
Discrediting our country with made up lies
By the way anyone with common sense would know how to spell sense
2007-02-16 10:59:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have it completely backwards!!!!!!
There is no independence in this administration it's all follow along or be compared to Terrorists!!!
Bush could give a rats @ss about you or what happens to you unless you wield some kind of power and wealth!!!
Those F#ckin people didn't even give Robin Bush, their #3 year old a funeral when she died from leukemia and these are the kind of people you want running our country!!???!!
2007-02-16 11:07:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yet another lame generalization based on lies.
Funny thing is Hezbollah literally means "Party of God", same thing the GOP likes to call itself!
No wonder America is rejecting conservatism.
2007-02-16 10:55:00
answer #5
answered by Humuhumunukunukuapuaa 3
Absolutely. They both make a grand show of feeding the poor and providing free heath care. In return, they both use the same poor people as body shields when trouble comes.
They both hate Jews but somehow have self loathing Jews bowing at their feet. Yes, many similarities.
2007-02-16 10:55:50
answer #6
answered by Curt 4
Given your examples, you have just described the Republican party.
1. Gave money to corporations and so on.....
2. Oppressing people who don't fit into their perfect Xian world (i.e. gays and women)
I could go on but I am bored now.
3. Fear and Blame, just look at how they miraculously come up with another Al-Quada tape every time their popularity drops.
2007-02-16 10:55:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no, because if hezbollah were liberal we wouldn't be having these problems. Hez is a group of rightwing religious fanatics.
the whole idea of getting them to stop attacking Isreal is pretty much the same as a war protest, is it not?
we are trying to make muslims MORE liberal....same thing we are trying to do with our own fundies.
so what do you think of the abortion ban in Iran that all of the right-wingers in America have been trying to do here?
2007-02-16 10:59:09
answer #8
answered by qncyguy21 6
Hezbollah rulez left like a puppy.
2007-02-16 10:54:13
answer #9
answered by type2negative 4
nonenzedder,conservatism is dying on the spot? Is that why most dems ran as conservatives or moderates? Or were they just lying?
2007-02-16 10:55:34
answer #10
answered by bebe 4