death is my biggest fear.............All I want to do is finish college get a good job, have kids, get married and watch all them grow into adults then I can pass on but I would love to live forever
2007-02-16 02:07:59
answer #1
answered by sexsired 4
How do you really ever say goodbye? I mean honestly, is their perfect words, and perfect settings to tell someone that you love Goodbye, I will never see you again. Not really, but you just got to know that they died and went to heaven, they are happier now than they have ever been, no sickness, no tears, no problems. What the real problem is, the ones that are left behind. That is where you have to believe, that someday, you will go to Heaven too, and you will have the same joy that your friend is feeling, now. Don't mourn over the loss of her life, that is just feeling sorry for yourself, and your loss of losing a friend. If you could see her now, you wouldn't bring her back for anything. Just pray to God to help you be the person he designed for your life, and live and enjoy every minute. Learn to live to the fullest, and not be afraid of dying. Those that believe in God do not die, they just go to sleep!
2007-02-16 02:11:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is something I think about a lot. I was 17 when my aunt died and I spent a lot of time thinking about death and being scared by it but there is no point in doing that. You then waste your energy on what ifs and it takes over you and then you get down because of it. Just live life to the full and do everything to the best of our ability. We could all die tomorrow or any number of things can happen to you, we just have to carry on because you never know right? keep thinking good thoughts and just enjoy life, it is not worth wasting your mental energy on. I am very sorry to hear about your friend but death is the one thing we can rely on in this life. x
2007-02-16 03:02:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I really do believe in an afterlife. I'm not afraid of dying. I do hope it's not one of the more painful ways to go............. I also hope I'm around long enough to see my children grow into successful adults. My biggest fear about dying is leaving them without a mother and leaving my husband to raise them alone.
I will say though, that being able to say goodbye in some ways is over rated. I'm not saying it's not important, but even when you know it's coming, being prepared doesn't take the pain away. My father died of cancer. We knew the end was coming very soon. We had our chance to say goodbye, but the day he died was still the loneliest day of my life. I still wish we had more time. I don't think you can ever really prepare yourself for that day. That makes me sad for my children when my time comes, but I'm not afraid.
I'm sorry for your loss.
2007-02-16 02:09:54
answer #4
answered by ? 6
Well, if you read the Bible you get some answers to your question. I suppose life is meaningfull when you manage to help others...That is the Christian belief and it is how I see life. Helping others has really helped me, as I lost my mom when I was 20, but as time went by, I got used to this fact. Death is not such a frightening experience, my mom went away so peacefully and I feel her spirit watching over me day by day...It helps me go on and I hope you will see that it does not matter how long you live, it is important to live it properly...
2007-02-16 02:15:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My sincerest condolences on your loss of your dear friend. Forty is pretty young to be dying.
I am not afraid of death because after death I would feel no pain, and that in and of itself would be a kind of heaven. However the "dying" part I'm not thrilled with because dying can be painful. Death - no, dying - yes. As to do we go somewhere after death, the only way to know for sure is to die, and I would prefer to put that off for as long as possible.
2007-02-16 02:13:44
answer #6
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
No I'm not afraid of dying. In reality, there is no death. Only our bodies die. Our spirits live on forever. Our spirits are energy & energy doesn't die.
I would like to see everyone learn what unconditional love is & means. And I would like to save as many animals as I can before I leave this plane of existence.
2007-02-16 02:15:11
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Death is just another part of life, so there's nothing to really be afraid about. Before I die I'd like to travel around the world and see how different cultures vary from place to place.
2007-02-16 02:10:22
answer #8
answered by mushuflare 3
No.I am not afraid of dying. Most people are more afraid of the process of death than dying itself.
The main thing I want to do, in relation to close family, etc, is not to die wishing that there were things I should have said.
I am confident that (to quote Studdert Kennedy) that 'death is not anyhting but Satan's lie upon eternal life'
2007-02-16 04:12:59
answer #9
answered by alan h 1
i never used to but since i got married and had children it dose get to me sometime i wouldn't say i was scarred just upset at the fact i wont be here one day that one day i will never see my kids again or husband or the trees and the sky etc its a really weird thing to get your head around but its the only thing in life that is 100% guaranteed to happen i wouldn't dwell on it to much it dose mince your head after a while sorry about your friend
2007-02-16 02:20:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I am not afraid of dying, but there are many things I would like to do before I die. I want to travel the world and have fun.
2007-02-16 02:07:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous