I've thought a lot about this because part of my job involves training mediators to listen. First try to adopt the behaviors of a good listener -- don't interrupt, make appropriate eye contact, stay focused without fidgeting or doing other things, etc. Then just zero in on what's being said -- almost like double checking to make every word registers as it leaves the other person's mouth and enters your brain. You can even picture the words themselves, as though they were a stream of writing flowing to your brain. It might sounds silly, but try it -- you'll most likely realize that this really helps you focus and keeps your mind from wandering, and will also make the information easier to recall later. Then, to check and make sure you heard everything, repeat back what what said, using the speaker's own words, and ask, "Did I get that right?" Also, if this is in the context of an important conversation between people in a close relationship, listen for the things they want you to take away from the conversation, or if you can't tell you can even ask, "What is it that you want me to learn from what you're saying?" Also, refrain from giving advice or judging what they say. Hope that helps!
2007-02-16 02:11:02
answer #1
answered by CRC83 2
Maintain eye contact, don't fidget and 'actively' listen rather than wait to talk. Ask 'leading' questions (ie not those which can be answered yes or no). Keep your body language 'open' and actually listen to what the other person is saying. Look for visual signs of how the person is feeling and respond appropriately.
2007-02-16 09:36:18
answer #2
answered by Kazzy 2
Remember the last time you were being told off, and that person made you feel so small you could not get a word in edge wise. Then remember that time you called your friend with something really important, you just had to get it off your chest and you could not do it, because they kept going on over absolutely nothing. These things will allow you to either learn to be like them or learn to not to be like that. Only you can decide which will you be .
2007-02-16 09:34:59
answer #3
answered by sodgirl6763 4
Nod and smile.....
Eye contact, ask specific questions about what they just said.
2007-02-16 10:04:45
answer #4
answered by Slimboogy 2
Don't talk and resist the temptation to advise.
2007-02-16 09:32:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous