I understand and sympathise with your frustration. In reviewing the various responses to your question, I see that there are quite a few that provide you with avenues to take positive action to resolve the issue.
However, there is a much more deep rooted answer to your question that I feel has serious implicatons in every state in our beloved country.
As you are aware, our country was not founded on, and is not a "democracy". In fact, many of our founding fathers abhored a democratic system of governance and warned that any such system is open to manipulation and control of a few, thus opening the door to take away our freedoms in a gradual and insiduous manner. The proponets of "democracy" tout that it is the system that allows the "majority" of the people to have a voice and therefore the banner raised by democracy supporters is "The WILL of the PEOPLE", usually spoken with wavering inflection and sanctimonious tone. But EVERY "politician" currently in office KNOWS that such platitudes are just what they need to put the "masses" to sleep. And the more "asleep" that the "masses" become, they KNOW then that the masses are that much easier to manipulate. Thus, you can see that democracy isn't a government that results in the exercise of the will of the people, but only the exercise of the will of those elected. All too often such exercise is primarily targeted at obtaining and keeping personal power. Thus the "political class" in America is born.
Anyone in posession of any degree of reasonable observational ability can see clearly that in so many cases in America of today that the worst fears of our founding fathers are being realized.
Any person elected to any office, local, state or federal, must have the freedom to act upon his convictions. Even you, should you run for and attain public office would insist on your right to such exercise. A major problem in our modern political landscape (by modern I refer to the last 70 to 100 years) is that for various reasons, we as voters fail to exercise our duty and responsibility as free citizens to perform adequate due diligence with regard to what are the core belief systems held by candidates for public office. The unfortunate fact is that political campaigns have become less about issues and candidate positions and have evolved into "beauty contests" of sorts. Therefore we tend to vote for the person that we "like" based upon politically correct speech, milk toast glibness and vascilating positions on real issues and tragically, how good looking the candidate is. We can complain about the situation being that way, but the fact is that we as voters have rewarded this behavior by voting for people that fit the above description.
Another factor that makes it VERY important that you continue to vote is that the "political class" (those that seek and gain public office to acquire power by making themselves the least objectionable candidate) wants to foster a defeatest attitude among as many of the voters as they possibly can. Why this is true is that the only people they want to vote are those that have already, or seek in the future, to become dependent upon the central government for their survival. If you are a discerning voter that utilizes logic and reason to sift through the potential candidates to arrive and the one that is most qualified and most aligned with resolving the real issues based upon moral and civic conviction, you are NOT the person they want to show up at the polls. If you are a person that reacts emotionally to whatever gets slopped onto your plate as a handout (what's in it for ME mentality) then you are the most valuable and revered voter that could possibly exist for the political class.
Please notice that I have not referred to any of the current political parties as the primary offender here. Unfortunately, almost all members of all political parties hold this as their most sacred of beliefs. This of course makes our jobs as free Americans even more difficult. We seek the truth in a field of candidates that are masters of obfuscation.
I have plowed the same field you currently find yourself in now. I have been demoralized as a citizen and a voter. Finally I realized that my sense of dread and defeatism was not an emotion that rose up within me naturally. It has been carefully orchestrated (from a number of fronts; Political, Media, etc.) over a long period of time and has been created by the worst of intentions of the political class.
Make no mistake about my comments. I am most definately NOT a conspiracy nut. I do humbly consider that I am a pretty good observer and I honor my ability and responsibility to use my logic and reason in order to not just survive but to flourish.
I do not know what degree of reaction will be necessary to, on the one hand, wake up the American citizen and voter, and on the other hand, to change the atmosphere, environment and attitude of what has become the political class in America. But I do know without a shadow of a doubt that short of armed rebellion, the only and BEST tool we have is to exercise our rights to vote and to thereby attempt to retake our integrity as citizens.
One of the most beloved characteristics of our country is that we have a population that is so diverse and that hold such a wide variety of viewpoints on so many issues. And this fact lends itself to the possibility of very active and often heated debate on issues. But it is the very fact of our diversity that is one of the foundations of our strength also.
I firmly believe that the most effective way to return our country to the principles upon which it was created is to become as active and involved in the process as we possibly can. And the very first and most foundational step in becoming more involved is to hold our vote, our single and solitary vote as the most sacred of possessions and to bestow it upon a candidate only after intense and often painful mining for the truth that lies within every candidate and every campaign. We may not like the "truth" that we find. But the truth is like a precious stone, most rare. Seek it and the highest prize of all will be yours...Freedom!
Beyond that, speaking out on forums such as this one helps. Become a candidate yourself. Debate with your friends and co-workers. It is YOU that I honor above all else that is great and good in this country. You, a free and thoughtful citizen. We are brothers! (even though we might not always agree on all issues...)
2007-02-16 02:55:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is part of the risk we take with the representative republic system of government. Now that the elected officials have shown they don't respect the will of the voters, it is time for you and all who think like you to get together work to make sure they are not elected again. If there is a recall process in your state, you can start the petition to get them out of office quicker.
2007-02-16 08:03:07
answer #2
answered by John H 6
As much as I'd love the "official" language of America to be declared english, the fact is that it is unconstitutional.
If America was based on Democracy it would be possible yet we were based as a republic and not a democracy.
2007-02-16 08:13:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Majority rule has no place in a free country. Just because 51% or more people believe in something doesn't mean the other 49% should have to. Speak whatever language you want and fly whatever flag you want on your own property. Build a fence around your land if it suits you. But don't use government to force others to behave according to your standards, ever.
2007-02-16 08:19:40
answer #4
answered by MinstrelInTheGallery 4
Truth is, it is a legal loophole. Laws are written by D.C. lawyers. Sometimes they are vaguely written on purpose. That leaves wiggle room later on. Other times, black robed Liberal judges make their own interpretations of the law and overturn the will of the people. Either way, it is usually the American people who lose...................
2007-02-16 09:03:41
answer #5
answered by aiminhigh24u2 6
You might try generating a petition for a recall vote of the board.
2007-02-16 07:58:05
answer #6
answered by Hawkeye 4
Who is on this board, Art Bell's aliens? What are they thinking, or are they even thinking?
2007-02-16 07:59:58
answer #7
answered by Bawney 6