Well, unless you want an STD, I think that is a good idea. Obviously he is doing more then sleeping.
2007-02-15 22:17:43
answer #1
answered by Boston Bluefish 6
Sleeping alone in a room with a girl, that supposedly has malaria.....
For coming up with that ridiculous story is grounds enough to get rid of him in my book! It is an insult that he would think that you would fall for that story and you need to toss him to the curb so hard that he'd bounce!
Oh yeah and to state the obvious, the last thing he did in that room with the girl is sleep.
2007-02-15 22:25:20
answer #2
answered by Ladyandie 1
Absolutely. The part that got me was that if this girl is such a good friend to him, why doesn't she know about you. And if she had malaria, and she knew about you, why wouldn't you BOTH go comfort her. And....isn't malaria contagious?
2007-02-15 22:18:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Malaria? I tell my sister when I had a boyfriend, and for that matter, why aren't her girlfriends staying with her when shes "ill".
Don't rush off though, insist on meeting his "family" and start with his sister.
2007-02-15 22:36:17
answer #4
answered by justa 7
Two thing:
1) Leave the guy.
2) Learn how to form a coherent thought and communicate it in complete sentences.
2007-02-15 22:18:42
answer #5
answered by adreed 4
wldnt always jump to the conclusion that he is lying, i have several male friends that come over to mine or i go to theres, tho we dont share the same bed, so suppose that can b an issue.
if u feel in ursel he is cheating, then is ther any point in being wiv sum1 u cant trust??? it will eat away at u and cause conflict, sounds as its already starting...
2007-02-15 22:27:30
answer #6
answered by tilly 4
i don't know about your guy, but as a woman i can tell u there re billions men on this planet with whom i could sleep together in the same room and i would never ever have any sexual desire, cos i find them not attractive. so how do u know, aybe this girl finds your bf not physically attractive too? so u might not to worry then - she will never have anything with him in this case. maybe he doesn't find her sexually attractive. we re not dogs, u know,. we re people, we do not do stuff with anything that moves
2007-02-15 22:24:00
answer #7
answered by jacky 6
its not only a good idea its a great idea, get rid of this guy who is making you think that you are stupid and will believe anything he said, he is taking you for a fool and stupid. get rid of him fast!!
2007-02-15 22:19:03
answer #8
answered by livinhapi 6
If you can't prove it then whatever, but if you can then break up with him. But i bet you he waxed it all night and when they finshed they were talking about how easy it would be to fool your dumb @ss!!!!! and then had more sex!!
2007-02-15 22:20:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Leave him , its a great idea. unless u were hoping someone would tell u to do to the contrary..........
2007-02-15 22:20:55
answer #10
answered by saltnsaffron 5