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Ok heres the situation. I cant really remember exsactly when i had my period in january. I remember i started after 10-11 but ended before 17-18, so wouldnt i have started already? Im usually regular also. I think im late on my period, took a test last night, came out neg. Took a test this morning, still neg, Im really confused and dont know if i should wait till this first of the month or jsut wait till a certain date of this month. Has this happend to anyone before, also do any of u think there is a posability that i still could be?
With symptoms, im more tired than usual, i go to the bathroom alot, have more gas than usual, slight headache. Body sore. Please, any advice and suggestions would be great

2007-02-15 20:51:11 · 3 answers · asked by Landis 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

3 answers

I had this just happen to me and I've been regular for the last 8 months. My last period was in Dec and I just got it a few days ago (very late) and I took several preg. test earlier this month because I was freaking out and they all said neg. I think I was just stressed out. Wait a couple more days and try again. Maybe Aunt Flo is just delayed

2007-02-15 21:05:26 · answer #1 · answered by joyofjoys 2 · 0 0

Pregnancy tests should be done at least 35 days after the last period. You can wait until the 25th to repeat it. If you don't get your period even after 40 days and your test is still negative get an ultrasound scan done and visit your gynaecologist.
Feeling sore and tired and going to the bathroom frequently can happen even if you are not pregnant!

2007-02-15 21:04:07 · answer #2 · answered by mom 2 · 0 0

Did you have sex in the middle of your cycle? Was it unprotected?

Stress can cause your period to be late.
Wait a day or two and retake a test.

For most women, the day of your missed period will give you a positive if you are pregnant.

2007-02-16 04:02:40 · answer #3 · answered by barbiefreak518 3 · 0 0

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